
Join NFGR and donate to help Rare Breed BEAT the ATF in Court!

Dear 2A supporter,

Biden’s rogue ATF has once again decided to criminalize law-abiding Americans with a stroke of its pen!

  • In 2004 the ATF ruled a shoestring was a machine-gun.
  • In 2019, the ATF decided bump-stocks were machine guns.
  • Now, the ATF has decided that a forced reset trigger (a popular gun accessory) is a machine gun.

They are harassing our friends at Rare Breed Triggers for making perfectly legal forced reset triggers (FRTs). They’ve seized merchandise, raided homes, and generally rained terror down on the heads of law-abiding gun owners.

They’re even bringing up Rare Beed Triggers up on civil charges in an attempt to RUN THEM OUT OF BUSINESS.

And it’s time to fight back.

We’re helping to defend our friends at Rare Breed Triggers and have filed a lawsuit against the ATF to protect our members and supporters who own FRTs from the ATF’s reign of terror.

And we need your help!

Please sign your petition below telling the ATF to end its illegal FRT TRIGGER BAN, and asking Congress to rein in the rogue ATF immediately!

After you sign, please consider making a contribution to help Rare Breed WIN their lawsuits!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Foundation for Gun Rights




A Petition to the ATF and to Congress

WHEREAS: Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is once again BANNING lawful firearms and firearms accessories without congressional authorization. This time they’re targeting popular Forced Reset Triggers (FRTs),

WHEREAS: These triggers function FAR outside the statutory definition of “machine gun” and are thus perfectly legal, even according to the ATF’s own guidance up until they reversed their position without any notice to gun owners,

WHEREAS: The ATF is now targeting hundreds of thousands law-abiding Americans who purchased, manufactured and sold these triggers, even going so far to acquire customer lists and pound on doors of unsuspecting gun owners,

WHEREAS: The ATF’s unconstitutional trigger ban places law-abiding Americans who legally bought FRT’s at risk of criminal prosecution for exercising their Second Amendment rights;

THEREFORE: I insist the ATF withdraw its lawsuit against Rare Breed Triggers and abandon its illegal rampage against forced reset trigger owners. I also demand Congress immediately end the ATF’s FRT Trigger Ban through congressional oversight.

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The National Foundation for Gun Rights Inc. (NFGR) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to NFGR are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute legal or tax advice.
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