Rep. James DeSana introduced three bills aiming to repeal the unconstitutional “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation bill signed into law in 2023 by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Republicans regained control of the House in Michigan in November after Democrats ceased the opportunity and used their majorities to pass a slew of gun control bills in recent years.
Now, Rep. James DeSana has introduced House Bills 4138, 4139, and 4140 to end Michigan’s “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation law.
Rep. DeSana said this of the introduced legislation:
“The “Red Flag” laws are a direct violation of our Second Amendment rights. These poorly written laws strip away our rights without the opportunity for individuals to defend themselves.”
Michigan’s current “Red Flag” law allows family members, law enforcement, and other individuals to bring an “Extreme Risk Protection Order” request to a judge if the person in question is believed to present a danger to themselves or others.
In other words, based on a mere accusation, a gun owner’s firearms may be confiscated without a crime being committed and violates American’s Fourth and Sixth Amendment rights.
Currently, 21 states and the District of Columbia have some form of “Red Flag” laws on the books, but more and more states are seeking to repeal or even banning future “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation legislation.
Brenden Boudreau, Executive Director of Great Lakes Gun Rights, followed up DeSana’s bill filing, saying:
“Repealing Whitmer’s “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation law is a top priority for gun owners in Michigan and we’re thankful for State Rep. DeSana and the 26 co-sponsors filing legislation to do just that.”
The bills have been referred to the House Committee on Judiciary.
Read more at Michigan Advance.