NAGR Position | Bill Number | Sponsor(s) | Subject | Location | Introduced |
Support | H.R. 645 | Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4] | Real Constitutional Carry | House - Judiciary | 1/23/2025 |
Support | H.R. 221 | Rep. Burlison, Eric [R-MO-7] | Abolish the ATF Act | House - Judiciary | 1/7/2025 |
Support | H.R. 129 | Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-C0-3] | Abolish the ATF Act | House Judiciary | 1/3/2025 |
Support | H.R. 335 | Rep. Burlison, Eric [R-MO-7] | Repeal the NFA Act | House - Ways and Means | 1/13/2025 |
Support | H.R. 496 | Rep. Crane, Elijah [R-AZ-2] | Veterans 2nd Amendment Restoration Act of 2025 | House - Veterans' Affairs; Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Support | H.R. 1041 | Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12] | Veteran's Second Amendment Protection Act | House - Veterans' Affairs | 2/6/2025 |
Support | H.R. 962 | Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21] | Defending Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights Act | House - Veterans' Affairs | 2/4/2025 |
Support | S. 345 | Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] | SHUSH Act | Senate - Finance | 1/30/2025 |
Support | H.R. 850 | Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27] | SHUSH Act | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 1/31/2025 |
Support | H.R. 404 | Rep. Cline, Ben [R-VA-6] | Hearing Protection Act | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 1/15/2025 |
Support | H.R. 373 | Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24] | SAGA Act | House - Judiciary | 1/13/2025 |
Support | H.R. 45 | Rep. Bergman, Jack [R-MI-1] | FIND Act | House - Oversight and Accountability | 1/3/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 169 | Rep. Levin, Mike [D-CA-49] | Prevent Family Fire Act of 2025 | House - Ways and Means | 1/3/2025 |
Support | H.R. 223 | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2] | Preventing Unjust Red Flag Laws Act of 2025 | House - Judiciary | 1/7/2025 |
Monitor | H.R. 454 | Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17] | Safe Bases Act of 2025 | House - Armed Services | 1/15/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 543 | Rep. Torres, Ritchie [D-NY-15] | Iron Pipeline Review Act | House - Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 544 | Rep. Torres, Ritchie [D-NY-15] | Enabling Ghost Gun Lawsuits | House - Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Support | H.R. 556 | Rep. Wittman, Robert J. [R-VA-1] | Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act of 2025 | House - Natural Resources; Agriculture | 1/16/2025 |
Support | H.R. 563 | Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27] | No Retaining Every Gun In a System That Restricts Your Rights Act | House - Judiciary | 1/20/2025 |
Monitor | H.R. 607 | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan [R-TX-2] | ATF Accountability Act of 2025 | House - Judiciary | 1/22/2025 |
Support | H.R. 613 | Rep. Fulcher, Russ [R-ID-1] | ATF Transparency Act | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 1/22/2025 |
Support | H.R. 624 | Rep. Mann, Tracey [R-KS-1] | RIFLE Act of 2025 | House - Judiciary | 1/22/2025 |
Support | H.R. 631 | Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11] | PARTS Act of 2025 | House - Judiciary | 1/22/2025 |
Support | S. 1039 | Sen. Sheehy, Tim [R-MT] | PARTS Act of 2025 | Senate - Judiciary | 3/13/2025 |
Support | H.R. 943 | Rep. Jackson, Ronny [R-TX-13] | No User Fees for Gun Owners Act | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 2/4/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 1097 | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott [D-IL-10] | SECURE Firearm Storage Act | House - Judiciary | 2/6/2025 |
Support | H.R. 1181 | Rep. Moore, Riley [R-WV-2] | Prohibit Firearm Merchant Category Codes | House - Financial Services | 2/11/2025 |
Support | H.R. 1224 | Rep. Ogles, Andrew [R-TN-5] | Protecting the Second Amendment in Financial Services Act | House - Financial Services | 2/12/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 1272 | Rep. Sherrill, Mikie [D-NJ-11] | Disclose Firearm Storage Information | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means | 2/12/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 1456 | Rep. Casten, Sean [D-IL-6] | Lost or Stolen Firearm Reporting Requirements | House - Judiciary | 2/21/2025 |
Support | H.R. 2039 | Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27] | Protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act of 2025 | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | 3/11/2025 |
Support | H.R. 2267 | Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4] | Audit NICS | House - Judiciary | 3/21/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 1564 | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] | Lock Up Your Guns Law | House - Judiciary | 2/25/2025 |
Support | H.R. 1643 | Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4] | Lower the Age to Purchase a Handgun | House - Judiciary | 2/27/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 532 | Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8] | Handgun Permit to Purchase Act | House - Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Oppose | S. 123 | Sen. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD] | Handgun Permit to Purchase Act | Senate - Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Support | H.R. 1698 | Rep. Higgins, Clay [R-LA-3] | Firearms Trace System Accountability | House - Judiciary; Oversight and Government Reform | 2/27/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 1740 | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott [D-IL-10] | NICS Procedural Updates | House - Judiciary | 2/27/2025 |
Support | H.R. 2070 | Rep. Murphy, Gregory F. [R-NC-3] | Military Spouses Gun Rights Protections | House - Judiciary | 3/11/2025 |
Monitor | S. 89 | Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] | Reform Restrictions on Importation of Firearms | Senate - Judiciary | 1/14/2025 |
Support | S. 119 | Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] | Stop Federal Tracking of Firearm Records | Senate - Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Oppose | H.R. 1307 | Rep. Frost, Maxwell [D-FL-10] | Office of Gun Violence Prevention Act of 2025 | House - Judiciary | 2/13/2025 |
Monitor | H.R. 2189 | Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott [R-WI-5] | Modernize Firearm Laws | House - Judiciary | 3/18/2025 |
Oppose | S. 123 | Sen. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD] | Grants for Handgun Licensing Programs | Senate - Judiciary | 1/16/2025 |
Support | S. 137 | Sen. Daines, Steve [R-MT] | Prohibit Government Contracts with Anti-2A Organizations | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | 1/16/2025 |
Support | S. 364 | Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] | Hearing Protection Act | Senate - Finance | 2/3/2025 |
Oppose | S. 468 | Sen. Durbin, Richard J. [D-IL] | SECURE Firearm Storage Act | Senate - Judiciary | 2/6/2025 |
Oppose | S. 597 | Sen. Padilla, Alex [D-CA] | Age 21 Act | Senate - Judiciary | 2/13/2025 |
Oppose | S. 726 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Lock Up Your Guns Law | Senate - Judiciary | 2/25/2025 |
Oppose | S. 884 | Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID] | Reform ATF to Provide for Administrative Relief of Denied Persons | Senate - Judiciary | 3/6/2025 |
Monitor | S. 889 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Assisting Gun Confiscation | Senate - Judiciary | 3/6/2025 |
Support | H.R. 2060 | Rep. Johnson, Dusty [R-SD-At Large] | Traveler’s Gun Rights Act | House - Judiciary | 3/11/2025 |
Support | S. 961 | Sen. Rounds, Mike [R-SD] | Military Spouses Gun Rights Protections | Senate - Judiciary | 3/11/2025 |
Monitor | S. 65 | Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | Senate - Judiciary | 1/9/2025 |
Monitor | H.R. 38 | Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC-9] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | House Judiciary | 1/3/2025 |
Support | H.R. 2184 | Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] | Firearm Due Process Protection Act | House - Judiciary | 3/18/2025 |
Support | H.R. 60 | Rep. Biggs, Andy [R-AZ-5] | Knife Owners' Protection Act of 2025 | House - Judiciary | 1/3/2025 |
Support | H.R. 2243 | Rep. Bacon, Don [R-NE-2] | LEO Safety Act Improvement | House - Judiciary | 3/21/2025 |
NAGR Position | Bill Number | Sponsor(s) | Subject | Location | Introduced |
Oppose | H.R. 28 | Rep. Steube, W. Gregory[R-FL-17] | Nics Expansion | House Judiciary | 1/9/2023 |
Monitor | H.R. 38 | Rep. Hudson, Richard[R-NC-9] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | House Judiciary | 1/9/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 48 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | House Judiciary | 1/9/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 52 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | 1/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 53 | Rep. Bergman, Jack[R-MI-1] | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | House - Oversight and Accountability | 1/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 100 | Rep. Biggs, Andy[R-AZ-5] | Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program | House - Oversight and Accountability | 1/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 151 | Rep. Duncan, Jeff[R-SC-3] | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | 1/9/2023 |
Monitor | H.R. 152 | Rep. Duncan, Jeff[R-SC-3] | Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | 1/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 168 | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan[R-VA-9] | To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition | House - Judiciary | 1/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 173 | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan[R-VA-9] | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | 1/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 277 | Rep. Cammack, Kat[R-FL-3] | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. | House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget | 1/11/2023 |
Support | H.R. 283 | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan[R-TX-2] | To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders | House - Judiciary | 1/11/2023 |
Support | H.R. 363 | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X[R-WV-2] | Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law | House - Judiciary | 1/13/2023 |
Support | H.R. 374 | Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] | Abolishes the ATF | House - Judiciary | 1/17/2023 |
Support | H.R. 381 | Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] | Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 1/17/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 396 | Rep. Titus, Dina [D-NV-1] | Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 1/17/2023 |
Support | H.R. 450 | Rep. Burlison, Eric [R-MO-7] | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act | House - Ways and Means | 1/24/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 584 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12] | To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition | House - Judiciary | 1/26/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 625 | Rep. DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1] | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | House - Judiciary | 1/30/2023 |
Support | H.R. 646 | Rep. Clyde, Andrew [R-GA-9] | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 660 | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa [D-CT-3] | Lock Up Your Safety gun storage bill | House - Judiciary | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 698 | Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | House - Judiciary | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 715 | Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K.[R-PA-1] | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | House - Judiciary | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 730 | Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. [D-CA-24] | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. | House - Judiciary | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 768 | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. [D-NJ-9] | Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation | House - Judiciary | 2/2/2023 |
Support | H.R. 790 | Rep. Hinson, Ashley [R-IA-2] | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | House - Ways and Means | 2/2/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 816 | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott [D-IL-10] | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | House - Judiciary | 2/2/2023 |
Support | H.R. 1095 | Rep. Moore, Barry [R-AL-2] | Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States | House - Oversight and Accountability | 2/17/2023 |
Support | H.R. 1271 | Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27] | Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records | House - Judiciary | 3/1/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 1478 | Rep. Kelly, Robin [D-IL-2] | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | House - Judiciary | 3/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 1650 | Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11] | To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone | House - Judiciary | 3/17/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 1699 | Rep. Frost, Maxwell [D-FL-10] | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | House - Judiciary | 3/22/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 2392 | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa [D-MI-7] | Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm | House - Judiciary | 3/29/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 2409 | Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] | NICS Epansion | House - Judiciary | 3/30/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 2418 | Rep. Casten, Sean [D-IL-6] | Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours | House - Judiciary | 3/30/2023 |
Support | H.R. 2502 | Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4] | Safe Students Act repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | House - Judiciary | 4/6/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 2538 | Rep. Takano, Mark [D-CA-39] | Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm | House - Judiciary | 4/6/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 2753 | Rep. Crow, Jason [D-C0-6] | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | House - Judiciary | 4/20/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 2985 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12] | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | House - Judiciary | 4/27/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 3018 | Rep. McBath, Lucy [D-GA-7] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | House - Judiciary | 4/28/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 3122 | Rep. Takano, Mark [D-CA-39] | Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows | House - Judiciary | 5/5/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 3155 | Rep. Moskowitz, Jared [D-FL-23] | Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age | House - Judiciary | 5/9/2023 |
Support | H.R. 3212 | Rep. Boebert, Lauren [R-C0-3] | To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress | House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations | 5/11/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 4201 | Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-12] | Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy | House - Judiciary | 6/16/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 4283 | Rep. Davis, Danny K [D-IL-7] | Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | 6/22/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 4289 | Rep. Larson, John B. [D-CT-1] | Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms | House - Judiciary | 6/22/2023 |
Support | H.R. 4436 | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M.[R-MT-2] | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 6/30/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 4679 | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino [D-NY-13] | Bill to make all firearms traceable | House - Judiciary | 7/17/2023 |
Support | H.R. 4860 | Rep. Feenstra, Randy [R-IA-4] | To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms | House - Financial Services | 7/25/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 4965 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Lock up your safety gun storage bill | House - Judiciary | 7/27/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 4992 | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino [D-NY-13] | Bill to make all firearms traceable | House - Judiciary | 7/27/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 5135 | Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. [D-VA-8] | 1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms | House - Ways and Means | 8/4/2023 |
Monitor | H.R. 5508 | Rep. Pfluger, August [R-TX-11] | To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | House - Judiciary | 9/14/2023 |
Support | H.R. 5561 | Rep. Cloud, Michael [R-TX-27] | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | 9/19/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 5727 | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy [D-CA-19] | Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely | House - Judiciary | 9/26/2023 |
Support | H.R. 5767 | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X.[R-WV-2] | To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance | House - Oversight and Accountability | 9/27/2023 |
Support | H.R. 5893 | Rep. Rogers, Hal [R-KY-5] | Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy | House - Appropriations; Budget | 10/6/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 6154 | Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3] | Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. | House - Judiciary | 11/1/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 6172 | Rep. Garcia, Robert[D-CA-42] | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | House - Judiciary | 11/3/2023 |
Support | H.R. 6504 | Rep. Green, Mark [R-TN-7] | Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List | House - Foreign Affairs | 11/29/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 6596 | Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [D-GA-4] | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce | 12/5/2023 |
Support | H.R. 6734 | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S.[R-GA-9] | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” | House Judiciary | 12/13/2023 |
Support | H.R. 6782 | Rep. Massie, Thomas[R-KY-4] | To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee | House Judiciary | 12/14/2023 |
Support | H.R. 6824 | Rep. Massie, Thomas[R-KY-4] | Audit the NICS system | House - Judiciary | 12/14/2023 |
Oppose | H.R. 6981 | Rep. Raskin, Jamie[D-MD-8] | “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity | House - Judiciary | 1/11/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 7040 | Rep. Lawler, Michael[R-NY-17] | Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years | House Judiciary | 1/18/2024 |
Monitor | H.R. 7042 | Rep. Mann, Tracey[R-KS-1] | This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives | House Judiciary | 1/18/2024 |
Support | H.R. 7195 | Rep. Duncan, Jeff[R-SC-3] | To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof | House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary | 2/1/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 7272 | Rep. Brown, Shontel M[D-OH-11] | Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" | House Judiciary | 2/7/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 7352 | Rep. Frost, Maxwell[D-FL-10] | To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants | House - Financial Services | 2/14/2024 |
Support | H.R. 7450 | Rep. Stefanik, Elise M.[R-NY-21] | To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. | House - Financial Services | 2/23/2024 |
Support | H.R. 7471 | Rep. Issa, Darrell[R-CA-48] | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes | House Judiciary | 2/28/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 7746 | Rep. Frost, Maxwell[D-FL-10] | "It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” | House Judiciary | 3/20/2024 |
Monitor | H.R. 7873 | Rep. Emmer, Tom[R-MN-6] | To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days | House Judiciary | 4/5/2024 |
Oppose | H. Res 1102 | Rep. Granger, Kay[R-TX-12] | $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill | House | Passed |
Support | H.R. 8066 | Rep. Emmer, Tom[R-MN-6] | The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. | House - Armed Services | 4/18/2024 |
Support | H.R. 8306 | Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] | To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. Click here to see Rep. Good discussing H.R. 8306 | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 5/8/2024 |
Monitor | H.R. 8364 | Rep. Scalise, Steve[R-LA-1] | Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. | House Judiciary | 5/10/2024 |
Support | H.R. 8580 | Rep. Carter, John R.[R-TX-31] | Appropriations Bill that contains language to prohibit the VA from adding anymore names to the NICS database | Passed House to Senate | 5/28/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8600 | Rep. McBath, Lucy [D-GA-7] | Would amend current law to increase federal regulation over semi-automatic firearms, standard capacity magazines, and "modifications" | House - Judiciary | 6/3/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8719 | Rep. Sherrill, Mikie [D-NJ-11] | To require a Federal firearms licensee to provide secure firearms storage information to a prospective firearm transferee, and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a gun safe credit | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | 6/12/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8763 | Rep. Pressley, Ayanna[D-MA-7] | Provide grants to States to encourage the implementation and maintenance of firearms licensing requirements, and for other purposes. | House Judiciary | 6/14/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8764 | Rep. Raskin, Jamie[D-MD-8] | To require the Attorney General to make publicly available a list of federally licensed firearms dealers with a high number of short time-to-crime firearm traces, and to prohibit Federal departments and agencies from contracting with such dealers. | House - Judiciary; Oversight and Accountability | 6/14/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8780 | Rep. Goldman, Daniel[D-NY-10] | Creates $125 million dollar gun control slush fund for vaugely worded "youth gun violence prevention program" | House - Education and the Workforce | 6/18/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8828 | Rep. Morelle, Joseph D.[D-NY-25] | Creates a laundry list of new expensive "safety and security" requirements for federally licensed gun shops | House - Judiciary; Rules | 6/25/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8842 | Rep. Goldman, Daniel[D-NY-10] | Amends federal law to deny firearm sales to any person subject to a pretrial release court order that prohibits the person from purchasing, possessing, or receiving guns while awaiting trial. Forfeit Second Amendment rights without being convicted of anything | House Judiciary | 6/26/2024 |
Support | H.R. 8906 | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M.[R-MT-2] | Permits the lawful carrying of firearms in properties under the jurisdiction of the Department of Veterans Affairs | House - Judiciary; Veterans' Affairs | 6/28/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 8907 | Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby[D-VA3] | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Reporting requirements for victims of gun theft making them criminals if they don't comply fast enough, new gun storage requirements, etc. | House Judiciary | 6/28/2024 |
Support | H.R. 9054 | Rep. Crane, Elijah[R-AZ-2] | No officer or employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs shall, in the course of their duties as an officer or employee of such Department, initiate, participate in, or advocate for the removal of a firearm in any proceedings relating to a State gun confiscation law | House - Veterans' Affairs | 7/18/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 9253 | Rep. Foushee, Valerie P.[D-NC-4] | Creates a gun control (aka gun violence "research program" ) slush fund of over $250 million dollars to be used from 2025 to 2090 | House - Judiciary; Science, Space, and Technology; Energy and Commerce | 8/2/2024 |
Support | H.R. 9260 | Rep. Issa, Darrell[R-CA-48] | To prohibit State excise taxes on firearms and ammunition manufacturers and dealers | House - Judiciary | 8/2/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 9266 | Rep. Kim, Andy [D-NJ-3] | The Secretary of Defense or a private operator of a government-owned plant may not sell to any gun dealer any so-called "military-grade assault weapon" or covered ammunition | House - Armed Services; Judiciary | 8/2/2024 |
Support | H.R. 9388 | Rep. Issa, Darrell[R-CA-48] | Bans states from requiring loaded chamber indicators, magazine disconnect mechanisms, and microstamping for handgun sales, helping restore Second Amendment rights in restrictive states. Aligns with a federal district court ruling that found California’s handgun roster requirements unconstitutional. | House - Judiciary | 8/20/2024 |
Support | H.R. 9534 | Rep. Massie, Thomas[R-KY-4] | Bill that will ensure all law-abiding Americans can enjoy Real Constitutional Carry without being subjected to outrageous New York-style permit regulations, expensive fees, or ATF intervention on the right to carry. Click here to see video on H.R. 9534 | House - Judiciary | 9/11/2024 |
Support | H.J.Res.144 | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S.[R-GA-9] | Congressional disapproval of ATF's "Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms”. | House - Judiciary | 9/19/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 9818 | Rep. Deluzio, Christopher R.[D-PA-17] | Bill to require you to give up your Second Amendment rights when you go to a Federal Election site. | House - Judiciary | 9/25/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 9962 | Rep. DeSaulnier, Mark[D-CA-10] | Creates "Gun Safety" aka "Gun Control Board" to promote gun control funded by tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. | House - Energy and Commerce | 10/11/2024 |
Oppose | H.R. 10090 | Rep. Kelly, Robin L.[D-IL-2] | Creates new "classes" of individuals to deny Second Amendment rights to. | House - Judiciary | 11/1/2024 |
Support | H.R. 10299 | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S.[R-GA-9] | Prohibits Federal financial participation for gun violence prevention or intervention programs under the Medicaid program. | House - Energy and Commerce | 12/5/2024 |
Oppose | S. 14 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] | Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old. Click here to see NAGR video on 18-21 gun bans | Senate - Judiciary | 1/23/2023 |
Oppose | S. 25 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | Senate - Judiciary | 1/23/2023 |
Support | S. 163 | Sen. Marshall, Roger [R-KS] | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Senate - Finance | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | S. 173 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Lock Up Your Safety gun storage bill | Senate - Judiciary | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | S. 209 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms | Senate - Judiciary | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | S. 252 | Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] | Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs | Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation | 2/2/2023 |
Oppose | S. 298 | Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Senate - Judiciary | 2/7/2023 |
Support | S. 361 | Sen. Lankford, James [R-OK] | The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace | Senate - Finance | 2/9/2023 |
Support | S. 401 | Sen. Crapo, Mike[R-ID] | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms | Senate - Finance | 2/14/2023 |
Oppose | S. 494 | Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Senate - Judiciary | 2/16/2023 |
Support | S. 827 | Sen. Kennedy, John[R-LA] | Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item | Senate - Judiciary | 3/15/2023 |
Oppose | S. 951 | Sen. Murphy, Christopher [D-CT] | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Senate - Judiciary | 3/22/2023 |
Oppose | S. 1383 | Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Senate - Judiciary | 4/27/2023 |
Support | S. 1949 | Sen. Ernst, Joni[R-IA] | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | Senate - Finance | 6/13/2023 |
Oppose | S. 2652 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Senate - Judiciary | 7/27/2023 |
Support | S. 2802 | Sen. Paul, Rand[R-KY] | Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | 9/14/2023 |
Support | S. 2911 | Sen. Braun, Mike[R-IN] | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | 9/21/2023 |
Oppose | S. 2926 | Sen. Durbin, Richard J.[D-IL] | To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles | Senate - Finance | 9/26/2023 |
Oppose | S. 3212 | Sen. Booker, Cory A.[D-NJ] | Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. | Senate - Judiciary | 11/2/2023 |
Oppose | S. 3223 | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth[D-MA] | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Senate - Judiciary | 11/2/2023 |
Oppose | S. 3369 | Sen. Heinrich, Martin[D-NM] | If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States | Senate - Finance | 11/30/2023 |
Oppose | S. 3407 | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth[D-MA] | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | Senate - Finance | 12/5/2023 |
Support | S. 3531 | Sen. Lee, Mike[R-UT] | Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | 12/14/2023 |
Oppose | S. 3677 | Sen. Reed, Jack[D-RI] | A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 | Senate - Judiciary | 1/25/2024 |
Support | S. 3812 | Sen. Ernst, Joni[R-IA] | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations | Senate - Judiciary | 2/27/2024 |
Support | S. 4075 | Sen. Hagerty, Bill[R-TN] | A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | 4/8/2024 |
Monitor | S. 4104 | Sen. Grassley, Chuck[R-IA] | Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" | Senate - Judiciary | 4/10/2024 |
Oppose | S. 4131 | Sen. Kaine, Tim[D-VA] | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. | Senate - Judiciary | 4/16/2024 |
Oppose | S. 4165 | Sen. Cotton, Tom[R-AR] | Expansion of NICS system | Senate - Judiciary | 4/18/2024 |
Monitor | S. 4344 | Sen. Cotton, Tom[R-AR] | Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) | Senate - Finance | 5/15/2024 |
Support | S. 4468 | Sen. Lee, Mike[R-UT] | Prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce the interim final rule of the Bureau of Industry and Security of the Department of Commerce entitled "Revision of Firearms License Requirements" | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | 6/5/2024 |
Oppose | S. 4612 | Sen. Booker, Cory A.[D-NJ] | Amends federal law to deny firearm sales to any person subject to a pretrial release court order that prohibits the person from purchasing, possessing, or receiving guns while awaiting trial. Forfeit Second Amendment rights without being convicted of anything. | Senate - Judiciary | 6/20/2024 |
Oppose | S. 4706 | Sen. Durbin, Richard J.[D-IL] | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Senate - Judiciary | 7/11/2024 |
Support | S. 4825 | Sen. Lee, Mike[R-UT] | To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. | Senate - Finance | 7/29/2024 |
Support | S. 4960 | Sen. Risch, James E[R-ID] | To prohibit State excise taxes on firearms and ammunition manufacturers and dealers | Senate - Finance | 8/1/2024 |
Support | S. 4972 | Sen. Lummis, Cynthia M.[R-WY] | To revise various laws that interfere with the lawful use of firearms and to promote America's firearms | Senate - Finance | 8/1/2024 |
Oppose | S. 5032 | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth[D-MA] | Places a so-called "code of conduct" on gun dealers that is a laundry list of gun control. Restricts firearms and ammunition the government may sell to dealers. | Senate - Armed Services | 9/1/2024 |
Oppose | S. 5055 | Sen. Collins, Susan M.[R-ME] | Forces the United States Armed Forces to comply with so-called "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation programs | Senate - Armed Services | 9/16/2024 |
Oppose | S. 5165 | Sen. Padilla, Alex[D-CA] | Bill to require you to give up your Second Amendment rights when you go to a Federal Election site. | Senate - Judiciary | 9/25/2024 |
Oppose | S. 5209 | Sen. Padilla, Alex[D-CA] | To make publicly available a list of federally licensed firearms dealers with a high number of short time-to-crime firearm traces, and to prohibit Federal departments and agencies from contracting with such dealers | Senate - Judiciary | 9/25/2024 |
Support | S. 5224 | Sen. Risch, James E.[R-ID] | To prohibit requirements that handguns have certain features generally absent from firearms in common use, | Senate - Judiciary | 9/25/2024 |
Oppose | S. 5232 | Sen. Murphy, Christopher[D-CT] | Bill to require you to give up your Second Amendment rights when you go to a Federal Election site. | Senate - Judiciary | 9/25/2024 |
NAGR Position | Bill Number | Sponsor(s) | Subject | Location | Introduced |
Oppose | H.R. 8 | Rep. Thompson, Mike[D-CA-5] | Universal Gun Registration H.R. 8 Analysis Video | Passed House on to the Senate | 3/1/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 30 | Rep. Rush, Bobby[D-IL-1] | Firearm Sales Regulations | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Monitor | H.R. 38 | Rep. Hudson, Richard[R-NC-8] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Monitor | H.R. 95 | Rep. Duncan, Jeff[R-SC-3] | Removes Suppressors from NFA, No Tax, No Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | Ways and Means, and House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 121 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 125 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Waiting Period for Semi-Auto Firearms, Magazines, Ammo | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 127 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Gun Registration, Ammo Licensing, Ammo Bans | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 130 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Lock Up Your Safety | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 167 | Rep. Green, Al[D-TX-9] | Gun Show Restrictions | House Judiciary | 1/4/2021 |
Support | H.R. 225 | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan[R-VA-9] | Better Laws Protecting Transport of Firearms | House Judiciary | 1/6/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 405 | Rep. Lieu, Ted[D-CA-33] | Bans Using Lead Ammo on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lands | House Natural Resources | 1/21/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 647 | Rep. Crow, Jason[D-CO-6] | Makes a Gun Dealer a Criminal if They Sell a Long Gun to a Law-Abiding Citizen from Out of State | House Judiciary | 2/1/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 748 | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa[D-CT-3] | Lock Up Your Safety | House Judiciary | 2/3/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 825 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Allows the CDC to Advocate for Gun Control Using Taxpayer Funds | House Energy and Commerce | 2/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 880 | Rep. Kelly, Robin L.[D-IL-2] | Subjects firearms to the regulatory whims of the Consumer Product Safety Commission | House Energy and Commerce | 2/5/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 882 | Rep. Kelly, Robin[D-2-IL] | Throws Laundry List of Non-Felons onto Gun Prohibition List | House Judiciary | 2/5/2021 |
Support | H.R. 933 | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan[R-VA-9] | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Ways and Means, and House Judiciary | 2/8/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1004 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Forces Government Mandated Insurance on ALL Gun Buyers | House Judiciary | 2/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1005 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Demands Brady Check Records be Kept Minimum of 90 Days (could be forever) | House Judiciary | 2/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1006 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Gun Show Restrictions on Private Sales | House Judiciary | 2/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1007 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Firearm Sales Regulations | House Judiciary | 2/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1008 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Mandates So-called “Smart” Guns be the Only Guns Made After 5 Years (after 10 years no used gun may be sold unless it is a “smart” gun or retrofitted to “smart” tech) | House Judiciary, Energy and Commerce | 2/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1446 | Rep. Clyburn, James[D-SC-6] | Extends Delays to Brady Background Checks | Passed House on to the Senate | 3/1/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1454 | Rep. Espaillat, Adriano[D-NY-13] | Federal Regulation of Home Manufactured Firearms, so-called “Ghost Guns” | House Judiciary | 3/1/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1518 | Rep. Rice, Tom[R-SC-7] | NICS Expansion | House Judiciary | 3/2/2021 |
Support | H.R. 1534 | Rep. Cloud, Michael[R-TX-27] | Prohibits declaring a National Emergency to impose gun control | House Transportation and Infrastructure, Energy and Commerce | 3/3/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1576 | Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice[D-TX-30] | Creates a Slush Fund for Gun Control “Research” | House Judiciary; Science, Space, and Technology; Energy and Commerce | 3/3/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1620 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila[D-TX-18] | Disarming Women Act | Passed House on to the Senate | 3/8/2021 |
Support | H.R. 1680 | Rep. Brooks, Mo[R-AL-5] | Interstate Transport of Firearms and Ammunition | House Judiciary | 3/9/2021 |
Support | H.R. 1715 | Rep. Stefanik, Elise[R-NY-21] | Limits States and Localities ability to regulate and tax rifles, shotguns, and magazines | House Judiciary | 3/9/2021 |
Support | H.R. 1758 | Rep. Mann, Tracey[R-KS-1] | Removes Short-Barreled rifles from NFA, No extra tax or waiting periods | House Judiciary and Ways and Means | 3/10/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1808 | Rep. Cicilline, David N.[D-RI-1] | Semi-auto Ban (so-called “assault weapons ban”) | House Judiciary | 3/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1906 | Rep. Brown, Anthony G[D-MD-4] | Expands Gun Prohibition for some Misdemeanor Convictions | House Judiciary | 3/16/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1923 | Rep. Himes, James A.[D-CT-4] | Expands Gun Prohibition for some Misdemeanor Convictions | House Judiciary | 3/16/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 1952 | Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M.[D-NY-7] | Makes you a Criminal if Your Firearm is Stolen or Lost and you Don’t Report in 48 Hours | House Judiciary | 3/16/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2280 | Rep. Kelly, Robin[D-IL-2] | Firearms Sales Regulations | House Judiciary | 3/29/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2377 | Rep. McBath, Lucy[D-GA-6] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | Passed House, On to the Senate | 4/8/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2466 | Rep. Demings, Val Butler[D-FL-10] | Treats AR Pistol like a Machine Gun, NFA paperwork, $200 Tax, Months of Delay | House Judiciary, Ways and Means | 4/13/2021 |
Support | H.R. 2469 | Rep. Good, Bob[R-VA-5] | SHUSH Act (Deregulation of Suppressors) | House Judiciary and Ways and Means | 4/13/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2510 | Rep. Deutch, Theodore[D-FL-22] | Magazine Ban | House Judiciary | 4/14/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2544 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie[D-NJ-12] | Confiscates and Bans Suppressors (with exceptions made for some law enforcement and Atomic energy employees) | House Judiciary | 4/14/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2707 | Rep. Raskin, Jamie[D-MD-8] | Handgun Registration and Licensing | House Judiciary | 4/20/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 2814 | Rep. Schiff, Adam[D-CA-28] | Removes legal protections from Firearms Dealers and Manufacturers | House Judiciary | 4/22/2021 |
Support | H.R. 2890 | Rep. Massie, Thomas[R-KY-4] | Repeals Law Preventing 18-20 Year Old Adults from Purchasing a Handgun | House Judiciary | 4/28/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3015 | Rep. Brown, Anthony[D-MD-4] | Prevents adults under 21 from buying certain rifles | House Judiciary | 5/7/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3088 | Rep. Cicilline, David N.[D-RI-1] | Federal Regulation of Home Manufactured Firearms, so-called “Ghost Guns” | House Judiciary | 5/11/2021 |
Support | H.R. 3101 | Rep. Hinson, Ashley[R-IA-1] | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | Ways and Means | 5/11/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3143 | Rep. Deutch, Theodore E.[D-FL-22] | Paid Gun Confiscation aka Gun Buyback Grants | House Judiciary | 5/12/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3159 | Rep. Payne, Donald M. Jr.[D-NJ-10] | Paid Gun Confiscation aka Gun Buyback Grants | House Judiciary | 5/12/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3299 | Rep. Demmings, Val Butler[D-FL-10] | NFA and Background Check changes | House Judiciary, Ways and Means | 5/18/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3480 | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O.[D-CA-24] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | House Judiciary | 5/25/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3536 | Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr.[D-NJ-9] | Creates Computer Database for Gun Tracing | House Judiciary | 5/25/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3740 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie[D-NJ-12] | Handgun Registration and Licensing | House Judiciary | 6/4/2021 |
Support | H.R. 3823 | Rep. Good, Bob[R-VA-5] | Prevents the ATF from considering pistols with a brace to be short-barreled rifles under the National Firearms Act | House Judiciary, Ways and Means, Homeland Security | 6/11/2021 |
Support | H.R. 3960 | Rep. Greene, Marjorie Taylor[R-GA-14] | Eliminate the ATF | House Judiciary, Ways and Means, Homeland Security | 6/17/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 3989 | Rep. Dingell, Debbie[D-MI-12] | Change safety laws to make it easier to go after guns | House Energy and Commerce | 6/17/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4225 | Rep. Deutch, Theodore E.[D-FL-22] | Outlaws distribution of 3D printer plans for firearms | House Judiciary | 6/29/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4238 | Rep. Pressley, Avanna[D-MA-7] | Uses tax dollars to bribe states to create firearms license/registration requirements | House Judiciary | 6/29/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4246 | Rep. Dean, Madeleine[D-PA-4] | Extends delays to Brady background checks | House Judiciary | 6/30/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4271 | Rep. Langevin, James R.[D-RI-2] | Makes it harder for Gun Shops to do business | House Judiciary | 6/30/2021 |
Support | H.R. 4312 | Rep. Duncan, Jeff[R-SC-3] | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | House Judiciary, Ways and Means | 7/1/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4423 | Rep. Morelle, Joseph D.[D-NY-25] | Makes it harder for gun shops to do business | House Judiciary | 7/13/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4505 | Rep. Cartwright, Matt[D-PA-8] | Uses tax dollars for “Red Flag” gun confiscation, Gun Buyback (aka confiscation) and other gun control schemes | House Appropriations | 7/28/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4722 | Rep. Ruiz, Raul[D-CA-36] | Disarms law-abiding citizens at the voting booth | House Judiciary | 7/27/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4836 | Rep. McEachin, A. Donald[D-VA-4] | Uses tax dollars to bribe states to punish gun owners who do not “secure” their firearms according to the whims of government bureaucrats | House Judiciary | 7/29/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4888 | Rep. Kelly, Robin L.[D-IL-2] | Uses taxpayer funds to bribe local communities to ignore pro-gun state laws and impose more gun control in their communities | House Judiciary | 7/30/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4953 | Rep. Deutch, Theodore E.[D-FL-22] | Treats semi-auto rifles with detachable magazines similarly to machine guns, sawed off shotguns etc. With $200 Tax, Fingerprinting, Photos, excessive waiting periods and registration | House Ways and Means | 8/6/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 4992 | Rep. Deutch, Theodore E.[D-FL-22] | Increases the age for purchasing a rifle or shotgun from a gun dealer | House Judiciary | 8/10/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 5376 | Rep. Yarmuth, John A.[D-KY-3] | Budget Bill: section creates “Pre Crime” agency to use data collection to guess who will be a future criminal | House Budget | 9/27/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 5427 | Rep. Titus, Dina[D-NV-1] | Treats bump stocks and some trigger devices like NFA items with tax stamp and registration requirements | House Judiciay, Ways and Means | 9/29/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 5428 | Rep. Wasserman Schultz, Debbie[D-FL-23] | Directs government to create anti-gun study | House Education and Labor | 9/29/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 5764 | Rep. Dean, Madeleine[D-PA-1] | Forces financial institutions to turn over firearm purchase info to bureaucrats in the "Financial Crimes Enforcement Network" | House Financial Services | 10/28/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 5878 | Rep. Neguse, Joe[D-CO-2] | Vastly expands the number of non-felons prohibited from owning firearms | House Judiciary | 11/4/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 6225 | Rep. Kelly, Robin[D-IL-2] | Places more restrictions on gun sellers and more requirements for keeping records on gun buyers | House Judiciary | 12/9/2021 |
Support | H.R. 6247 | Rep. Feenstra, Randy[R-IA-4] | Removes the prohibitions on firearm possession for residents of covered federally assisted rental housing | House Financial Services | 12/13/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 6281 | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy[D-CA-20] | Gives the ATF unlimited time to perform Brady background checks | House Judiciary, Energy and Commerce | 12/14/2021 |
Oppose | H.R. 6370 | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa[D-MI-8] | Lock up your Safety -- Gun storage requirements | House Judiciary | 1/10/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 6561 | Rep. Cole, Tom[R-OK-4] | Lock up your Safety -- Gun storage requirements | House - Judiciary; Oversight and Reform | 2/2/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 6575 | Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M.[D-NY-7] | Gun Control Slush Fund paid for by Taxpayers | House Judiciary, Energy and Commerce | 2/2/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 6639 | Rep. Levin, Andy[D-MI-9] | Creates taxpayer funded grants to run gun control programs in public schools | House - Judiciary; Education and Labor | 2/8/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 6646 | Rep. Quigley, Mike[D-IL-5] | Increase time the ATF can hold Brady check records to 6 months, put more reporting burdens on gun shop owners, put a second secret serial number on guns | House Judiciary | 2/8/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 6717 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Adds more people who haven't been tried or convicted of a crime to the NICS prohibited list and provides a $25 million dollar taxpayer funded slush fund to do it | House Judiciary | 2/11/2022 |
Support | H.R. 6817 | Rep. Roy, Chip[R-TX-21] | Removes some firearms from the heavily regulated National Firearms Act (NFA) | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 2/22/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 6856 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie[D-NJ-12] | Increases penalties for accidently bringing firearm through airport security | House - Homeland Security | 2/28/2022 |
Support | H.R. 6945 | Rep. Cloud, Michael[R-TX-27] | Calls for destruction of all firearm transaction records gathered by the ATF from gun dealers who have gone out of business | House Judiciary | 3/7/2022 |
Support | H.R. 6950 | Rep. Gosar, Paul A[R-AZ-4] | No Gun Lists Act would eliminate the electronic records system used by the ATF to track gun owners | House Judiciary | 3/7/2022 |
Support | H.R. 6970 | Rep. Bergman, Jack[R-MI-1] | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | House - Oversight and Reform | 3/8/2022 |
Support | H.R. 7366 | Rep. Jackson, Ronny[R-TX-13] | Bans imposing any state or local liability insurance, tax, or user fee for gun or ammo ownership or commerce | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 4/1/2022 |
Support | H.R. 7415 | Rep. Massie, Thomas[R-KY-4] | Safe Students Act repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | House Judiciary | 4/6/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 7544 | Rep. Torres, Ritchie[D-NY-15] | Makes it easy to take legal action against an individual or component builder for injuries or death from use of a home made firearm | House Judiciary | 4/18/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 7730 | Rep. Rush, Bobby[D-IL-1] | Forces gun purchasers to buy a license and go through a gun dealer to buy most firearms | House Judiciary | 5/11/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 7900 | Rep. Smith, Adam[D-WA-9] | NDAA bill, contains "Lock up your Safety" Speier amendment | House Armed Services | 6/8/2022 |
Monitor | H.R. 7908 | Rep. Weber, Randy[R-TX-14] | Permits persons not prohibited by State law from carrying a concealed firearm to carry a firearm, and to discharge a firearm in defense of self or others, in a school zone | House Judiciary | 5/27/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 7910 | Rep. Nadler, Jerrold[D-NY-10] | Democrat gun control wish list -- Magazine ban, bump stock ban, raise age for adults to buy guns, home made firearm restrictions, etc. | Passed House, On to the Senate | 5/31/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8051 | Rep. Beyer, Donald, Jr.[D-VA-8] | 1000% tax on magazines that hold over 10 rounds, and on certain semi-auto rifles they deem "assault rifles" | House - Ways and Means | 6/14/2022 |
Monitor | H.R. 8055 | Rep. Garcia, Mike[R-CA-25] | To require State educational agencies to hire and train school resource officers, and for other purposes | House - Education and Labor; Oversight and Reform; Financial Services; Transportation and Infrastructure; Foreign Affairs | 6/14/2022 |
Support | H.R. 8167 | Rep. Clyde, Andrew[R-GA-9] | This bill repeals the excise taxes on firearms and ammunition. It also repeals the excise tax on transferring and making firearms under the National Firearm Act | House - Ways and Means; Natural Resources | 6/22/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8256 | Rep. Cartwright, Matt[D-PA-8] | Provides funding and support for multiple gun control measures and significantly boosts ATF budget | House - Appropriations | 6/30/2022 |
Support | H.R. 8268 | Rep. Gaetz, Matt[R-FL-1] | Disarm the IRS Act Stops the IRS from acquiring ammunition | House - Ways and Means | 7/1/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8361 | Rep. Jayapal, Pramila[D-WA-7] | Creates a "Voluntary" database to delay firearms transactions. Getting removed from the list can take 21 days or require a declaration from a mental health professional | House Judiciary | 7/13/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8460 | Rep. Beyer, Donald S. Jr.[D-VA-8] | Grab bag of bad gun control including: allowing the ATF to inspect (in other words harass) a single gun dealer multiple times in one year, lower the standard of proof for revoking a seller's license, allow the ATF to stop the import of so-called "non-sporting use" shotguns, allow the ATF to maintain a national centralized firearm database, etc | House Judiciary | 7/21/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8534 | Rep. Kim, Andy[D-NJ-3] | Requires law abiding citizens to get a special "Gun Ownership License" to exercise their Second Amendment right to own a firearm | House Judiciary | 7/27/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8570 | Rep. Malinowski, Tom[D-NJ-7] | Requires the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Gun Industry advertising and has the government decide what are acceptable marketing materials and practices. | House - Energy and Commerce | 7/28/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8740 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Requires gun manufacturers and importers to "create and maintain a monitoring database" to track the possibility of misuse or "criminal diversion" of their firearms. Repeals certain limitations on the use of database information by the ATF. | House Judiciary | 8/23/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8741 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn[D-NY-12] | Imposes a 20% surtax on manufacturers and importers of so called semi-auto "assault weapons" | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 8/23/2022 |
Support | H.R. 8762 | Rep. Norman, Ralph[R-SC-5] | To restrict the possession, use, and acquisition of firearms and ammunition by the Internal Revenue Service | House - Ways and Means | 8/30/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8882 | Rep. Jacobs, Chris[R-NY-27] | Require anyone who purchases a so-called "assault weapon" to get a license. The licensing process would require an individual to take a mandatory safety course, pass an FBI background check, submit fingerprints, and provide proof of identity. The fee to exercise your Second Amendment right would be $130. | House Judiciary | 9/19/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 8957 | Rep. Davis, Danny[D-IL-7] | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase certain taxes related to firearms | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | 9/22/2022 |
Support | H.R. 9033 | Rep. Clyde, Andrew[R-GA-9] | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | 9/29/2022 |
Oppose | H.R. 9207 | Rep. DeGette, Diana[R-CO-1] | Makes magazines over 15 rounds illegal and legal magazines that can be converted to over 15 rounds illegal, which would expand the ban considerably. Calls for use of grant money to setup magazine "buy-back" programs. | House Judiciary | 10/21/2022 |
Oppose | S. 183 | Sen. Rubio, Marco[R-FL] | Anyone Simply Investigated for Terrorism in Last 10 years Loses Their Right to Purchase a Firearm | Senate Judiciary | 2/2/2021 |
Oppose | S. 190 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard[D-CT] | Lock Up Your Safety | Senate Judiciary | 2/3/2021 |
Oppose | S. 281 | Sen. Markey, Edward[D-MA] | Allows the CDC to Advocate for Gun Control Using Taxpayer Funds | Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions | 2/8/2021 |
Oppose | S. 292 | Sen. Rubio, Marco[R-FL] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | Senate Judiciary | 2/8/2021 |
Oppose | S. 529 | Sen. Murphy, Christopher[D-CT] | Universal Gun Registration | Senate Judiciary | 3/2/2021 |
Oppose | S. 591 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard[D-CT] | Prohibits Dealer from completing sale of a Gun if Brady Check is not finished- No Matter How Long It Takes | Senate Judiciary | 3/4/2021 |
Oppose | S. 675 | Sen. Coons, Christopher A.[D-DE] | NICS Expansion | Senate Judiciary | 3/10/2021 |
Oppose | S. 736 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne[D-CA] | Semi-auto Ban (so-called “assault weapons ban”) | Senate Judiciary | 3/11/2021 |
Oppose | S. 770 | Sen. Van Hollen, Chris[D-MD] | Handgun Registration and Licensing | Senate Judiciary | 3/16/2021 |
Support | S. 803 | Sen. Marshal, Roger W.[R-KS] | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA | Senate Finance | 3/17/2021 |
Support | S. 1101 | Sen. Lee, Mike[R-UT] | SHUSH Act (Deregulation of Suppressors) | Senate Finance | 4/13/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1108 | Sen. Menendez, Robert[D-NJ] | Magazine Ban | Senate Judiciary | 4/14/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1155 | Sen. Kaine, Tim[D-VA] | Gun Registration, Red Flag Gun Confiscation, One Gun a Month, etc. | Senate Judiciary | 4/15/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1338 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard[D-CT] | Removes legal protections from Firearms Dealers and Manufacturers | Senate Judiciary | 4/22/2021 |
Support | S. 1373 | Sen. Lummis, Cynthia[R-WY] | Repeals Law Preventing 18-20 Year Old Adults from Purchasing a Handgun | Senate Judiciary | 4/27/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1522 | Sen. Cornyn, John[R-TX] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Concealed Carry Standards) | Senate Judiciary | 4/29/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1558 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard[D-CT] | Federal Regulation of Home Manufactured Firearms, so-called “Ghost Guns” | Senate Judiciary | 5/11/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1775 | Sen. Grassley, Chuck[R-IA] | NICS Expansion | Senate | 5/20/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1819 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne[D-CA] | Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | Senate Judiciary | 5/25/2021 |
Support | S. 1916 | Sen. Braun, Mike[R-IN] | Prohibits declaring a National Emergency to impose gun control | Senate Judiciary | 5/27/2021 |
Support | S. 2050 | Sen. Crapo, Mike[R-ID] | Removes Silencers from Firearms Definition | Senate Finance | 6/15/2021 |
Oppose | S. 2319 | Sen. Markey, Edward[D-MA] | Outlaws distributing firearm 3D printing plans | Senate Judiciary | 7/13/2021 |
Oppose | S. 2320 | Sen. Markey, Edward[D-MA] | Makes it harder for gun shops to do business | Senate Judiciary | 7/13/2021 |
Oppose | S. 2325 | Sen. Markey, Edward[D-MA] | Uses tax dollars to bribe states to create firearms license/registration requirements | Senate Judiciary | 7/13/2021 |
Oppose | S. 2725 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard[D-CT] | Imposes burdensome regulations to harass Online Firearms Marketplaces | Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation | 9/13/2021 |
Oppose | S. 2938 | Sen. Rubio, Marco[R-FL] | Makes it harder for adults 18-20 to buy firearms, bankrolls Red Flag gun confiscation on state level, dumps juvenile records into NICS and gives NICS hundreds of millions more taxpayer dollars | Signed into law by the President 6/25/2022 | 10/5/2021 |
Oppose | S. 3117 | Sen. Markey, Edward[D-MA] | Forces financial institutions to turn over firearm purchase info to bureaucrats in the "Financial Crimes Enforcement Network" | Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | 10/28/2021 |
Oppose | S. 3387 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne[D-CA] | Gives the ATF unlimited time to perform Brady background checks | Senate Judiciary | 12/14/2021 |
Oppose | S. 3623 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne[D-CA] | Seeks to open criminal investigations into 100% of background check denials(Including the 95 percent that are false positives) | Senate | 2/9/2022 |
Oppose | S. 4263 | Sen. Booker, Cory[D-NJ] | Forces potiential gun buyers to get a license to purchase a firearm | Senate Judiciary | 5/19/2022 |
Oppose | S. 4278 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne[D-CA] | Prohibits purchase of some firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old | Senate Judiciary | 5/19/2022 |
Support | S. 4986 | Sen. Marshall, Roger[R-KS] | Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | 9/28/2022 |
NAGR Position | Bill Number | Sponsor(s) | Subject | Location | Introduced |
Oppose | S. 7 | Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | Senate Judiciary | 1/3/2019 |
Oppose | S. 66 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] | Semi-auto ban (so-called “assault weapons” ban) | Senate Judiciary | 1/10/2019 |
Monitor | S. 69 | Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Concealed Carry Standards) | Senate Judiciary | 1/9/2019 |
Oppose | S. 120 | Sen. Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] | Misdemeanor gun ban expansion | Senate Judiciary | 1/15/2019 |
Oppose | S. 184 | Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] | Allows the CDC to advocate for gun control using taxpayer funds | Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | 1/17/2019 |
Oppose | S.193 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Lock up your safety | Senate Judiciary | 1/18/2019 |
Support | S. 202 | Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] | SHUSH Act (Fully Deregulate Suppressors) | Senate Finance | 1/24/2019 |
Support | S.Res.204 | Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] | Unsigning UN Small Arms Treaty | Senate Foreign Relations | 5/13/2019 |
Oppose | S. 265 | Sen. Marco Rubio [R-FL] | Creates “Pre Crime” agency to predict who will be violent | Homeland Security and Gov. Affairs | 1/29/2019 |
Oppose | S. 506 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | Senate Judiciary | 2/14/2019 |
Oppose | S. 875 | Sen. Toomey, Pat [R-PA] | Prosecutes Gun Buyers trying to lawfully get Brady Check | Senate Judiciary | 3/26/2019 |
Oppose | S. 1338 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Removes protections from Firearms Dealers and Manufacturers | Senate Judiciary | 4/22/2021 |
Oppose | S. 1395 | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] | Disarms Young Families and other Young Adults | Senate Judiciary | 5/9/2019 |
Oppose | S. 1844 | Sen. Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD] | Taxpayer Funding for Handgun Licensing | Senate Judiciary | 6/13/2019 |
Oppose | S. 1924 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Ammunition Background Checks | Senate Judiciary | 6/20/2019 |
Oppose | S.1943 | Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] | Suppressor Ban | Senate Judiciary | 6/24/2019 |
Oppose | S. 2014 | Sen. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA] | Taxpayer Funding for Gun Licensing | Senate Judiciary | 6/27/2019 |
Oppose | S.2272 | Sen. Duckworth, Tammy [D-IL] | License System for Gun Buyers–Record of Sales | Senate Judiciary | 7/25/2019 |
Oppose | S.2690 | Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] | Project Exile Expansion | Senate Judiciary | 10/23/2019 |
Oppose | S.3065 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Lock Up Your Safety | Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation | 12/17/2019 |
Oppose | S. 3254 | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA] | Semi-Auto Ban, Red Flag, Universal Brady Checks, etc. | Senate Finance | 2/5/2020 |
Oppose | S. 3299 | Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] | National Firearms Database | Senate Judiciary | 2/13/2020 |
Oppose | S. 3348 | Sen. Leahy, Patrick [D-VT] | Gun Tracing Database | Senate Judiciary | 2/27/2020 |
Oppose | S.3743 | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] | Bill to Make ALL Guns Traceable | Senate Judiciary | 5/14/2020 |
Oppose | TBD | Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA] | Bill to Make Virginia Gun Control Nationwide | TBD | 7/22/2020 |
Oppose | H.R. 8 | Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-5] | Universal Gun Registration | Passed House-on to Senate | 1/8/2019 |
Oppose | H.R 33 | Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] | Firearm Sales Regulations | House Judiciary | 1/3/2019 |
Monitor | H.R. 38 | Rep. Hudson, Richard [R-NC-8] | National Reciprocity (Federalized Concealed Carry Standards) | House Judiciary | 1/3/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 49 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] | Bureaucrat Oversight of Gun Sales | House Judiciary | 1/3/2019 |
Monitor | H.R 155 | Rep. Duncan, Jeff [R-SC-3] | Remove Suppressors from National Firearms Act. (but requires Brady registration) | House Judiciary/House Ways and Means | 1/3/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 167 | Rep. Green, Al [D-TX-9] | Gun Show restrictions | House Judiciary | 1/3/2019 |
Support | H.R. 175 | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan [R-VA-9] | Better laws protecting the transport of firearms | House Judiciary | 1/3/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 569 | Rep. Dingell, Debbie [D-MI-12] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | House Judiciary | 1/15/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 674 | Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [D-NY-12] | Allows the CDC to advocate for gun control using taxpayer funds | House Energy and Commerce | 1/17/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 686 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12] | Online Ammo Sales Ban | House Judiciary | 1/17/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 717 | Rep. Brown, Anthony G. [D-MD-4] | Raise minimum age to buy semi-automatic rifles weapons | House Judiciary | 1/23/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 719 | Rep. Brown, Anthony G. [D-MD-4] | Radical Ammunition Microstamping | House Judiciary | 1/23/2019 |
Support | H.R. 775 | Rep. King, Steve [R-IA-4] | SHUSH Act (Fully Deregulate Suppressors) | House Ways and Means | 1/24/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 838 | Rep. Babin, Brian [R-TX-36] | TAPS Act: Creates “Pre Crime” agency to predict who will be violent | House Judiciary | 1/29/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 1112 | Rep. Clyburn, James [D-SC-6] | Extends Waiting Periods | Passed House- on to Senate | 2/8/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 1186 | Rep. Deutch, Theodore [D-FL-22] | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | House Judiciary | 3/25/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 1236 | Rep. Carbajal, Salud O. [D-CA-24] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | House Judiciary | 2/14/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 1585 | Rep. Bass, Karen [D-CA-37] | Disarming Women Act | House Judiciary | 3/7/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 1671 | Rep. Quigley, Mike [D-IL-5] | Prosecute Law Abiding Gun Buyers Act | House Judiciary | 3/11/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 1745 | Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-5] | Misdemeanor Gun Ban Expansion | House Judiciary | 3/13/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 2319 | Rep. Rice, Tom [R-SC-7] | NICS Expansion | House Judiciary | 4/12/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 2708 | Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] | Remove Gun Rights for Nonviolent “Crimes” | House Judiciary | 5/14/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3055 | Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-15] | Gun Control Funding | House Appropriations | 6/3/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3076 | Rep. McBath, Lucy [D-GA-6] | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | House Judiciary | 6/4/2019 |
Support |
| Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4] | Repeal “Gun-Free School Zones” | House Judiciary | 6/11/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3214 | Rep. Schiff, Adam [D-CA-28] | Reckless Lawsuit and Gun Tracing Act | House Judiciary | 6/11/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3285 | Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8] | National Gun Registration | House Judiciary | 6/13/2019 |
Support | H.R. 3450 | Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21] | Veterans Privacy Protection | House Veteran’s Affairs | 6/24/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3454 | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie [D-NJ-12] | Suppressor Ban | House Judiciary | 6/24/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3553 | Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] | Bill to Make ALL Guns Traceable | House Judiciary | 6/27/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3569 | Rep. Kennedy, Joseph P. III [D-MA-4] | Taxpayer Funding for Gun Licensing | House Judiciary | 6/27/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 3606 | Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] | Bump Stock Ban | House Judiciary | 7/2/2019 |
Support | H.R. 3826 | Rep. Roe, David [R-TN-1] | Veterans Privacy Protection | House Veteran’s Affairs | 7/18/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4062 | Rep. Rush, Bobby [D-IL-1] | License System for Gun Buyers–Record of Sales | House Judiciary | 7/25/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4080 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Shelia [D-TX-18] | Calls for Investigation of Firearms Storage | House Judiciary | 7/26/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4081 | Rep. Jackson Lee, Shelia [D-TX-18] | License and Registration for Guns and Ammo | House Judiciary | 7/26/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4082 | Rep.Jackson Lee, Shelia [D-TX-18] | Universal Brady Checks | House Judiciary | 7/26/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4177 | Rep DeSaulnier, Mark [D-CA-11] | Creates $25 Million Gun Control Slush Fund | House Energy and Commerce | 8/9/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4324 | Rep. Torres, Norma J. [D-CA-35] | Get Reported to Feds for buying 2 guns in 5 days | House Judiciary | 9/12/2019 |
Oppose | Terror Watch List | ||||
Oppose | H.R. 4691 | Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [D-NY-16] | Lock Up your Safety | House Energy and Commerce | 10/16/2019 |
Oppose | H.R. 4730 | Rep. Speier, Jackie [D-CA-14] | Taxpayer slush fund for “smart gun” research | House Judiciary | 10/17/2019 |
Support | H.R. 5716 | Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4] | Lower age to Buy Handgun to 18 | House Judiciary | 1/30/2020 |
Oppose | H.R. 5717 | Rep. Johnson Hank [D-GA-4] | Semi-Auto Ban, Red Flag, Universal Brady Checks, etc. | House Judiciary | 1/30/2020 |
Oppose | H.R. 5917 | Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13] | National Firearms Database | House Judiciary | 2/14/2020 |
Oppose | H.R. 6006 | Rep. Pascrell, Bill [D-NJ-9] | Gun Tracing Database | House Judiciary | 2/27/2020 |
NAGR Position | Bill Number | Sponsor(s) | Subject | Location | Introduced |
Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor |
H.R. 38 | H.R. 38 | H.R. 38 | H.R. 38 | H.R. 38 | H.R. 38 |
Rep. Hudson, Richard | Rep. Hudson, Richard | Rep. Hudson, Richard | Rep. Hudson, Richard | Rep. Hudson, Richard | Rep. Hudson, Richard |
[R-NC-9] | [R-NC-9] | [R-NC-9] | [R-NC-9] | [R-NC-9] | [R-NC-9] |
National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) | National Reciprocity (Federalized Conceal Carry Standards) |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 48 | H.R. 48 | H.R. 48 | H.R. 48 | H.R. 48 | H.R. 48 |
Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila |
[D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] |
Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF | Adds 200 Bureaucrats to the ATF |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 52 | H.R. 52 | H.R. 52 | H.R. 52 | H.R. 52 | H.R. 52 |
Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila |
[D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] |
Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale | Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale | Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale | Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale | Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale | Force gun dealers to distribute "Lock up your Safety" aka "Safe Storage" propaganda with each firearm sale |
House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 53 | H.R. 53 | H.R. 53 | H.R. 53 | H.R. 53 | H.R. 53 |
Rep. Bergman, Jack | Rep. Bergman, Jack | Rep. Bergman, Jack | Rep. Bergman, Jack | Rep. Bergman, Jack | Rep. Bergman, Jack |
[R-MI-1] | [R-MI-1] | [R-MI-1] | [R-MI-1] | [R-MI-1] | [R-MI-1] |
Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries | Prohibits the Federal Government from entering into contracts with an entity that discriminates against firearm or ammunition industries |
House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 100 | H.R. 100 | H.R. 100 | H.R. 100 | H.R. 100 | H.R. 100 |
Rep. Biggs, Andy | Rep. Biggs, Andy | Rep. Biggs, Andy | Rep. Biggs, Andy | Rep. Biggs, Andy | Rep. Biggs, Andy |
[R-AZ-5] | [R-AZ-5] | [R-AZ-5] | [R-AZ-5] | [R-AZ-5] | [R-AZ-5] |
Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program | Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program | Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program | Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program | Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program | Prohibit the Administrator of General Services from awarding contracts for certain commercial payment systems under the SmartPay Program |
House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 151 | H.R. 151 | H.R. 151 | H.R. 151 | H.R. 151 | H.R. 151 |
Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff |
[R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] |
Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Shotguns from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period |
House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor |
H.R. 152 | H.R. 152 | H.R. 152 | H.R. 152 | H.R. 152 | H.R. 152 |
Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff |
[R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] |
Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) | Removes Silencers from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period (Requires Brady Check) |
House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 168 | H.R. 168 | H.R. 168 | H.R. 168 | H.R. 168 | H.R. 168 |
Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan |
[R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] |
To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition | To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition | To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition | To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition | To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition | To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 173 | H.R. 173 | H.R. 173 | H.R. 173 | H.R. 173 | H.R. 173 |
Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan | Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan |
[R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] | [R-VA-9] |
Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period | Removes Short Barreled Rifles from NFA, No Tax or Waiting Period |
House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means | House Judiciary - Ways and Means |
1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 | 1/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 277 | H.R. 277 | H.R. 277 | H.R. 277 | H.R. 277 | H.R. 277 |
Rep. Cammack, Kat | Rep. Cammack, Kat | Rep. Cammack, Kat | Rep. Cammack, Kat | Rep. Cammack, Kat | Rep. Cammack, Kat |
[R-FL-3] | [R-FL-3] | [R-FL-3] | [R-FL-3] | [R-FL-3] | [R-FL-3] |
To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. | To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch (Like Pistol Brace Bans) shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law. |
House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget | House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget | House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget | House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget | House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget | House - Judiciary; Rules; Budget |
1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 283 | H.R. 283 | H.R. 283 | H.R. 283 | H.R. 283 | H.R. 283 |
Rep. Crenshaw, Dan | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan | Rep. Crenshaw, Dan |
[R-TX-2] | [R-TX-2] | [R-TX-2] | [R-TX-2] | [R-TX-2] | [R-TX-2] |
To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders | To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders | To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders | To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders | To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders | To prohibit funding for the implementation and enforcement of Federal red flag orders |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 | 1/11/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 363 | H.R. 363 | H.R. 363 | H.R. 363 | H.R. 363 | H.R. 363 |
Rep. Mooney, Alexander X | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X |
[R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] |
Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law | Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law | Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law | Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law | Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law | Removes firearm and ammunition restrictions from medical marijuana users who are in accordance with state law |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 | 1/13/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 374 | H.R. 374 | H.R. 374 | H.R. 374 | H.R. 374 | H.R. 374 |
Rep. Gaetz, Matt | Rep. Gaetz, Matt | Rep. Gaetz, Matt | Rep. Gaetz, Matt | Rep. Gaetz, Matt | Rep. Gaetz, Matt |
[R-FL-1] | [R-FL-1] | [R-FL-1] | [R-FL-1] | [R-FL-1] | [R-FL-1] |
Abolishes the ATF | Abolishes the ATF | Abolishes the ATF | Abolishes the ATF | Abolishes the ATF | Abolishes the ATF |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 381 | H.R. 381 | H.R. 381 | H.R. 381 | H.R. 381 | H.R. 381 |
Rep. Good, Bob | Rep. Good, Bob | Rep. Good, Bob | Rep. Good, Bob | Rep. Good, Bob | Rep. Good, Bob |
[R-VA-5] | [R-VA-5] | [R-VA-5] | [R-VA-5] | [R-VA-5] | [R-VA-5] |
Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” | Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” | Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” | Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” | Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” | Updates the definition of a pistol to include "The presence or absence of rear mounted braces or attachments which can assist a user in controlling the pistol shall not cause a firearm that otherwise meets this definition from being considered a pistol.” |
House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary |
1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 396 | H.R. 396 | H.R. 396 | H.R. 396 | H.R. 396 | H.R. 396 |
Rep. Titus, Dina | Rep. Titus, Dina | Rep. Titus, Dina | Rep. Titus, Dina | Rep. Titus, Dina | Rep. Titus, Dina |
[D-NV-1] | [D-NV-1] | [D-NV-1] | [D-NV-1] | [D-NV-1] | [D-NV-1] |
Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns | Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns | Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns | Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns | Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns | Regulates Bump Stocks like machine guns |
House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary |
1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 | 1/17/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 450 | H.R. 450 | H.R. 450 | H.R. 450 | H.R. 450 | H.R. 450 |
Rep. Burlison, Eric | Rep. Burlison, Eric | Rep. Burlison, Eric | Rep. Burlison, Eric | Rep. Burlison, Eric | Rep. Burlison, Eric |
[R-MO-7] | [R-MO-7] | [R-MO-7] | [R-MO-7] | [R-MO-7] | [R-MO-7] |
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act |
House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means |
1/24/2023 | 1/24/2023 | 1/24/2023 | 1/24/2023 | 1/24/2023 | 1/24/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 584 | H.R. 584 | H.R. 584 | H.R. 584 | H.R. 584 | H.R. 584 |
Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie |
[D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] |
To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition | To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition | To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition | To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition | To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition | To require face-to-face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/26/2023 | 1/26/2023 | 1/26/2023 | 1/26/2023 | 1/26/2023 | 1/26/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 625 | H.R. 625 | H.R. 625 | H.R. 625 | H.R. 625 | H.R. 625 |
Rep. DeGette, Diana | Rep. DeGette, Diana | Rep. DeGette, Diana | Rep. DeGette, Diana | Rep. DeGette, Diana | Rep. DeGette, Diana |
[D-CO-1] | [D-CO-1] | [D-CO-1] | [D-CO-1] | [D-CO-1] | [D-CO-1] |
Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/30/2023 | 1/30/2023 | 1/30/2023 | 1/30/2023 | 1/30/2023 | 1/30/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 646 | H.R. 646 | H.R. 646 | H.R. 646 | H.R. 646 | H.R. 646 |
Rep. Clyde, Andrew | Rep. Clyde, Andrew | Rep. Clyde, Andrew | Rep. Clyde, Andrew | Rep. Clyde, Andrew | Rep. Clyde, Andrew |
[R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] |
Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act |
House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary |
1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 660 | H.R. 660 | H.R. 660 | H.R. 660 | H.R. 660 | H.R. 660 |
Rep. DeLauro, Rosa | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa | Rep. DeLauro, Rosa |
[D-CT-3] | [D-CT-3] | [D-CT-3] | [D-CT-3] | [D-CT-3] | [D-CT-3] |
Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 698 | H.R. 698 | H.R. 698 | H.R. 698 | H.R. 698 | H.R. 698 |
Rep. Cicilline, David N. | Rep. Cicilline, David N. | Rep. Cicilline, David N. | Rep. Cicilline, David N. | Rep. Cicilline, David N. | Rep. Cicilline, David N. |
[D-RI-1] | [D-RI-1] | [D-RI-1] | [D-RI-1] | [D-RI-1] | [D-RI-1] |
Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 715 | H.R. 715 | H.R. 715 | H.R. 715 | H.R. 715 | H.R. 715 |
Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. | Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. | Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. | Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. | Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. | Rep. Fitzpatrick, Brian K. |
[R-PA-1] | [R-PA-1] | [R-PA-1] | [R-PA-1] | [R-PA-1] | [R-PA-1] |
Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 730 | H.R. 730 | H.R. 730 | H.R. 730 | H.R. 730 | H.R. 730 |
Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. | Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. | Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. | Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. | Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. | Rep. Pascrell, Bill Jr. |
[D-CA-24] | [D-CA-24] | [D-CA-24] | [D-CA-24] | [D-CA-24] | [D-CA-24] |
Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms. |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 768 | H.R. 768 | H.R. 768 | H.R. 768 | H.R. 768 | H.R. 768 |
Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. | Rep. Carabajal, Salud O. |
[D-NJ-9] | [D-NJ-9] | [D-NJ-9] | [D-NJ-9] | [D-NJ-9] | [D-NJ-9] |
Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation | Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation | Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation | Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation | Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation | Creates a slush fund using taxpayer dollars to promote "Red Flag" gun confiscation |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 790 | H.R. 790 | H.R. 790 | H.R. 790 | H.R. 790 | H.R. 790 |
Rep. Hinson, Ashley | Rep. Hinson, Ashley | Rep. Hinson, Ashley | Rep. Hinson, Ashley | Rep. Hinson, Ashley | Rep. Hinson, Ashley |
[R-IA-2] | [R-IA-2] | [R-IA-2] | [R-IA-2] | [R-IA-2] | [R-IA-2] |
Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items | Removes the $200 tax on transfer and purchase of NFA regulated items |
House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means |
2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 816 | H.R. 816 | H.R. 816 | H.R. 816 | H.R. 816 | H.R. 816 |
Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott | Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott |
[D-IL-10] | [D-IL-10] | [D-IL-10] | [D-IL-10] | [D-IL-10] | [D-IL-10] |
Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 1095 | H.R. 1095 | H.R. 1095 | H.R. 1095 | H.R. 1095 | H.R. 1095 |
Rep. Moore, Barry | Rep. Moore, Barry | Rep. Moore, Barry | Rep. Moore, Barry | Rep. Moore, Barry | Rep. Moore, Barry |
[R-AL-2] | [R-AL-2] | [R-AL-2] | [R-AL-2] | [R-AL-2] | [R-AL-2] |
Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States | Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States | Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States | Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States | Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States | Declares AR-15 style rifle to be the National Gun of the United States |
House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability |
2/17/2023 | 2/17/2023 | 2/17/2023 | 2/17/2023 | 2/17/2023 | 2/17/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 1271 | H.R. 1271 | H.R. 1271 | H.R. 1271 | H.R. 1271 | H.R. 1271 |
Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael |
[R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] |
Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records | Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records | Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records | Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records | Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records | Stop the collection by the Federal Government of firearm transaction records of discontinued firearms businesses and to require the destruction of already collected records |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/1/2023 | 3/1/2023 | 3/1/2023 | 3/1/2023 | 3/1/2023 | 3/1/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 1478 | H.R. 1478 | H.R. 1478 | H.R. 1478 | H.R. 1478 | H.R. 1478 |
Rep. Kelly, Robin | Rep. Kelly, Robin | Rep. Kelly, Robin | Rep. Kelly, Robin | Rep. Kelly, Robin | Rep. Kelly, Robin |
[D-IL-2] | [D-IL-2] | [D-IL-2] | [D-IL-2] | [D-IL-2] | [D-IL-2] |
Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/9/2023 | 3/9/2023 | 3/9/2023 | 3/9/2023 | 3/9/2023 | 3/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 1650 | H.R. 1650 | H.R. 1650 | H.R. 1650 | H.R. 1650 | H.R. 1650 |
Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August |
[R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] |
To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone | To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone | To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone | To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone | To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone | To allow certain qualified law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm to protect children in a school zone |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/17/2023 | 3/17/2023 | 3/17/2023 | 3/17/2023 | 3/17/2023 | 3/17/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 1699 | H.R. 1699 | H.R. 1699 | H.R. 1699 | H.R. 1699 | H.R. 1699 |
Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell |
[D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] |
Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 2392 | H.R. 2392 | H.R. 2392 | H.R. 2392 | H.R. 2392 | H.R. 2392 |
Rep. Slotkin, Elissa | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa | Rep. Slotkin, Elissa |
[D-MI-7] | [D-MI-7] | [D-MI-7] | [D-MI-7] | [D-MI-7] | [D-MI-7] |
Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm | Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm | Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm | Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm | Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm | Imposes seven-day waiting period before the receipt of a firearm |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/29/2023 | 3/29/2023 | 3/29/2023 | 3/29/2023 | 3/29/2023 | 3/29/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 2403 | H.R. 2403 | H.R. 2403 | H.R. 2403 | H.R. 2403 | H.R. 2403 |
Rep. Clyburn, James E. | Rep. Clyburn, James E. | Rep. Clyburn, James E. | Rep. Clyburn, James E. | Rep. Clyburn, James E. | Rep. Clyburn, James E. |
[D-SC-6] | [D-SC-6] | [D-SC-6] | [D-SC-6] | [D-SC-6] | [D-SC-6] |
NICS Epansion | NICS Epansion | NICS Epansion | NICS Epansion | NICS Epansion | NICS Epansion |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 2418 | H.R. 2418 | H.R. 2418 | H.R. 2418 | H.R. 2418 | H.R. 2418 |
Rep. Casten, Sean | Rep. Casten, Sean | Rep. Casten, Sean | Rep. Casten, Sean | Rep. Casten, Sean | Rep. Casten, Sean |
[D-IL-6] | [D-IL-6] | [D-IL-6] | [D-IL-6] | [D-IL-6] | [D-IL-6] |
Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours | Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours | Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours | Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours | Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours | Makes you the bad guy if your gun is stolen and you don't follow every detail of the rules for reporting it within 48 hours |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 | 3/30/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 2502 | H.R. 2502 | H.R. 2502 | H.R. 2502 | H.R. 2502 | H.R. 2502 |
Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas |
[R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] |
Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones | Safe Students Act" repeals the "Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990," (GFSZA) eliminating GFSZA's one-size-fits-all federal ban on guns in school zones |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 2538 | H.R. 2538 | H.R. 2538 | H.R. 2538 | H.R. 2538 | H.R. 2538 |
Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark |
[D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] |
Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm | Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm | Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm | Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm | Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm | Forces potential gun buyers to purchase insurance before being allowed to buy a firearm |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 | 4/6/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 2753 | H.R. 2753 | H.R. 2753 | H.R. 2753 | H.R. 2753 | H.R. 2753 |
Rep. Crow, Jason | Rep. Crow, Jason | Rep. Crow, Jason | Rep. Crow, Jason | Rep. Crow, Jason | Rep. Crow, Jason |
[D-C0-6] | [D-C0-6] | [D-C0-6] | [D-C0-6] | [D-C0-6] | [D-C0-6] |
Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers | Adds burdensome costs and regulations to already over burdened firearms dealers |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
4/20/2023 | 4/20/2023 | 4/20/2023 | 4/20/2023 | 4/20/2023 | 4/20/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 2985 | H.R. 2985 | H.R. 2985 | H.R. 2985 | H.R. 2985 | H.R. 2985 |
Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie | Rep. Watson Coleman, Bonnie |
[D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] | [D-NJ-12] |
Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 3018 | H.R. 3018 | H.R. 3018 | H.R. 3018 | H.R. 3018 | H.R. 3018 |
Rep. McBath, Lucy | Rep. McBath, Lucy | Rep. McBath, Lucy | Rep. McBath, Lucy | Rep. McBath, Lucy | Rep. McBath, Lucy |
[D-GA-7] | [D-GA-7] | [D-GA-7] | [D-GA-7] | [D-GA-7] | [D-GA-7] |
“Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation | “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
4/28/2023 | 4/28/2023 | 4/28/2023 | 4/28/2023 | 4/28/2023 | 4/28/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 3122 | H.R. 3122 | H.R. 3122 | H.R. 3122 | H.R. 3122 | H.R. 3122 |
Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark | Rep. Takano, Mark |
[D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] | [D-CA-39] |
Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows | Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows | Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows | Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows | Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows | Requires "Universal Gun Registration" at gun shows |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
5/5/2023 | 5/5/2023 | 5/5/2023 | 5/5/2023 | 5/5/2023 | 5/5/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 3155 | H.R. 3155 | H.R. 3155 | H.R. 3155 | H.R. 3155 | H.R. 3155 |
Rep. Moskowitz, Jared | Rep. Moskowitz, Jared | Rep. Moskowitz, Jared | Rep. Moskowitz, Jared | Rep. Moskowitz, Jared | Rep. Moskowitz, Jared |
[D-FL-23] | [D-FL-23] | [D-FL-23] | [D-FL-23] | [D-FL-23] | [D-FL-23] |
Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age | Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age | Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age | Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age | Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age | Semi-auto ban (so-called "assault weapon ban") for adults under 25 years of age |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
5/9/2023 | 5/9/2023 | 5/9/2023 | 5/9/2023 | 5/9/2023 | 5/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 3212 | H.R. 3212 | H.R. 3212 | H.R. 3212 | H.R. 3212 | H.R. 3212 |
Rep. Boebert, Lauren | Rep. Boebert, Lauren | Rep. Boebert, Lauren | Rep. Boebert, Lauren | Rep. Boebert, Lauren | Rep. Boebert, Lauren |
[R-C0-3] | [R-C0-3] | [R-C0-3] | [R-C0-3] | [R-C0-3] | [R-C0-3] |
To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress | To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress | To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress | To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress | To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress | To repeal each gun control measure enacted by the 117th Congress |
House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations | House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations | House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations | House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations | House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations | House - Judiciary; Education and the Workforce; Armed Services; Veterans' Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Appropriations |
5/11/2023 | 5/11/2023 | 5/11/2023 | 5/11/2023 | 5/11/2023 | 5/11/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 4201 | H.R. 4201 | H.R. 4201 | H.R. 4201 | H.R. 4201 | H.R. 4201 |
Rep. Tlaib, Rashida | Rep. Tlaib, Rashida | Rep. Tlaib, Rashida | Rep. Tlaib, Rashida | Rep. Tlaib, Rashida | Rep. Tlaib, Rashida |
[D-MI-12] | [D-MI-12] | [D-MI-12] | [D-MI-12] | [D-MI-12] | [D-MI-12] |
Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy | Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy | Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy | Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy | Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy | Would require a firearms seller to provide (unfunded mandate) each purchaser with a gun lock for every firearm they buy |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
6/16/2023 | 6/16/2023 | 6/16/2023 | 6/16/2023 | 6/16/2023 | 6/16/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 4283 | H.R. 4283 | H.R. 4283 | H.R. 4283 | H.R. 4283 | H.R. 4283 |
Rep. Davis, Danny K | Rep. Davis, Danny K | Rep. Davis, Danny K | Rep. Davis, Danny K | Rep. Davis, Danny K | Rep. Davis, Danny K |
[D-IL-7] | [D-IL-7] | [D-IL-7] | [D-IL-7] | [D-IL-7] | [D-IL-7] |
Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. | Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. | Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. | Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. | Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. | Increases taxes on guns and ammo and then uses the money for gun control. |
House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary; Energy and Commerce |
6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 4289 | H.R. 4289 | H.R. 4289 | H.R. 4289 | H.R. 4289 | H.R. 4289 |
Rep. Larson, John B. | Rep. Larson, John B. | Rep. Larson, John B. | Rep. Larson, John B. | Rep. Larson, John B. | Rep. Larson, John B. |
[D-CT-1] | [D-CT-1] | [D-CT-1] | [D-CT-1] | [D-CT-1] | [D-CT-1] |
Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms | Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms | Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms | Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms | Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms | Prohibits short-term, Buy Now, Pay Later loans for the purchase of certain semiautomatic firearms |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 | 6/22/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 4436 | H.R. 4436 | H.R. 4436 | H.R. 4436 | H.R. 4436 | H.R. 4436 |
Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. | Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M. |
[R-MT-2] | [R-MT-2] | [R-MT-2] | [R-MT-2] | [R-MT-2] | [R-MT-2] |
To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees |
House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary | House - Ways and Means; Judiciary |
6/30/2023 | 6/30/2023 | 6/30/2023 | 6/30/2023 | 6/30/2023 | 6/30/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 4679 | H.R. 4679 | H.R. 4679 | H.R. 4679 | H.R. 4679 | H.R. 4679 |
Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino |
[D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] |
Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
7/17/2023 | 7/17/2023 | 7/17/2023 | 7/17/2023 | 7/17/2023 | 7/17/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 4860 | H.R. 4860 | H.R. 4860 | H.R. 4860 | H.R. 4860 | H.R. 4860 |
Rep. Feenstra, Randy | Rep. Feenstra, Randy | Rep. Feenstra, Randy | Rep. Feenstra, Randy | Rep. Feenstra, Randy | Rep. Feenstra, Randy |
[R-IA-4] | [R-IA-4] | [R-IA-4] | [R-IA-4] | [R-IA-4] | [R-IA-4] |
To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms | To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms | To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms | To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms | To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms | To ensure that residents of covered federally assisted rental housing may lawfully possess firearms |
House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services |
7/25/2023 | 7/25/2023 | 7/25/2023 | 7/25/2023 | 7/25/2023 | 7/25/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 4965 | H.R. 4965 | H.R. 4965 | H.R. 4965 | H.R. 4965 | H.R. 4965 |
Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila | Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila |
[D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] | [D-TX-18] |
Lock up your safety" gun storage bill | Lock up your safety" gun storage bill | Lock up your safety" gun storage bill | Lock up your safety" gun storage bill | Lock up your safety" gun storage bill | Lock up your safety" gun storage bill |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 4992 | H.R. 4992 | H.R. 4992 | H.R. 4992 | H.R. 4992 | H.R. 4992 |
Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino | Rep. Espaillat, Adraino |
[D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] | [D-NY-13] |
Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 5135 | H.R. 5135 | H.R. 5135 | H.R. 5135 | H.R. 5135 | H.R. 5135 |
Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. | Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. | Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. | Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. | Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. | Rep. Beyer, Donald S, Jr. |
[D-VA-8] | [D-VA-8] | [D-VA-8] | [D-VA-8] | [D-VA-8] | [D-VA-8] |
1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms | 1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms | 1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms | 1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms | 1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms | 1000 percent tax on standard capacity magazines and certain semi-automatic firearms |
House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means | House - Ways and Means |
8/4/2023 | 8/4/2023 | 8/4/2023 | 8/4/2023 | 8/4/2023 | 8/4/2023 |
Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor |
H.R. 5508 | H.R. 5508 | H.R. 5508 | H.R. 5508 | H.R. 5508 | H.R. 5508 |
Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August | Rep. Pfluger, August |
[R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] | [R-TX-11] |
To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | To protect the rights of the people of the United States under the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 5561 | H.R. 5561 | H.R. 5561 | H.R. 5561 | H.R. 5561 | H.R. 5561 |
Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael | Rep. Cloud, Michael |
[R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] | [R-TX-27] |
Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control |
House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce | House - Transportation and Infrastructure; Energy and Commerce |
9/19/2023 | 9/19/2023 | 9/19/2023 | 9/19/2023 | 9/19/2023 | 9/19/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 5727 | H.R. 5727 | H.R. 5727 | H.R. 5727 | H.R. 5727 | H.R. 5727 |
Rep. Panetta, Jimmy | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy | Rep. Panetta, Jimmy |
[D-CA-19] | [D-CA-19] | [D-CA-19] | [D-CA-19] | [D-CA-19] | [D-CA-19] |
Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely | Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely | Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely | Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely | Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely | Extends the amount of time to run a background check indefinitely |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 5767 | H.R. 5767 | H.R. 5767 | H.R. 5767 | H.R. 5767 | H.R. 5767 |
Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. | Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. |
[R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] | [R-WV-2] |
To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance | To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance | To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance | To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance | To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance | To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance |
House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability | House - Oversight and Accountability |
9/27/2023 | 9/27/2023 | 9/27/2023 | 9/27/2023 | 9/27/2023 | 9/27/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 5893 | H.R. 5893 | H.R. 5893 | H.R. 5893 | H.R. 5893 | H.R. 5893 |
Rep. Rogers, Hal | Rep. Rogers, Hal | Rep. Rogers, Hal | Rep. Rogers, Hal | Rep. Rogers, Hal | Rep. Rogers, Hal |
[R-KY-5] | [R-KY-5] | [R-KY-5] | [R-KY-5] | [R-KY-5] | [R-KY-5] |
Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy | Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy | Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy | Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy | Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy | Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Defunds arbitrary ATF rulings and cuts the ATF Budget. Defunds anti-gun executive orders. Defunds Red Flag from Cornyn-Murphy |
House - Appropriations; Budget | House - Appropriations; Budget | House - Appropriations; Budget | House - Appropriations; Budget | House - Appropriations; Budget | House - Appropriations; Budget |
10/6/2023 | 10/6/2023 | 10/6/2023 | 10/6/2023 | 10/6/2023 | 10/6/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 6154 | H.R. 6154 | H.R. 6154 | H.R. 6154 | H.R. 6154 | H.R. 6154 |
Rep. Kim, Andy | Rep. Kim, Andy | Rep. Kim, Andy | Rep. Kim, Andy | Rep. Kim, Andy | Rep. Kim, Andy |
[D-NJ-3] | [D-NJ-3] | [D-NJ-3] | [D-NJ-3] | [D-NJ-3] | [D-NJ-3] |
Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. | Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. | Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. | Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. | Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. | Requires a license, written test, live fire training, background and criminal history check, fingerprinting, etc. to purchase a firearm. |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
11/1/2023 | 11/1/2023 | 11/1/2023 | 11/1/2023 | 11/1/2023 | 11/1/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 6172 | H.R. 6172 | H.R. 6172 | H.R. 6172 | H.R. 6172 | H.R. 6172 |
Rep. Garcia, Robert | Rep. Garcia, Robert | Rep. Garcia, Robert | Rep. Garcia, Robert | Rep. Garcia, Robert | Rep. Garcia, Robert |
[D-CA-42] | [D-CA-42] | [D-CA-42] | [D-CA-42] | [D-CA-42] | [D-CA-42] |
Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
11/3/2023 | 11/3/2023 | 11/3/2023 | 11/3/2023 | 11/3/2023 | 11/3/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 6504 | H.R. 6504 | H.R. 6504 | H.R. 6504 | H.R. 6504 | H.R. 6504 |
Rep. Green, Mark | Rep. Green, Mark | Rep. Green, Mark | Rep. Green, Mark | Rep. Green, Mark | Rep. Green, Mark |
[R-TN-7] | [R-TN-7] | [R-TN-7] | [R-TN-7] | [R-TN-7] | [R-TN-7] |
Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List | Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List | Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List | Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List | Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List | Protect American Gun Exporters Act. To prohibit actions to carry out the Department of Commerce’s pause in the issuance of new export licenses for certain exports under the Commerce Control List |
House - Foreign Affairs | House - Foreign Affairs | House - Foreign Affairs | House - Foreign Affairs | House - Foreign Affairs | House - Foreign Affairs |
11/29/2023 | 11/29/2023 | 11/29/2023 | 11/29/2023 | 11/29/2023 | 11/29/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 6596 | H.R. 6596 | H.R. 6596 | H.R. 6596 | H.R. 6596 | H.R. 6596 |
Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. | Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. | Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. | Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. | Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. | Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. |
[D-GA-4] | [D-GA-4] | [D-GA-4] | [D-GA-4] | [D-GA-4] | [D-GA-4] |
281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. |
House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce | House - Judiciary; Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce |
12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 6734 | H.R. 6734 | H.R. 6734 | H.R. 6734 | H.R. 6734 | H.R. 6734 |
Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. | Rep. Clyde, Andrew S. |
[R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] | [R-GA-9] |
To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” | To prohibit the use of Federal funds to finalize, implement, or enforce proposed ATF Rule 2022R–17, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
12/13/2023 | 12/13/2023 | 12/13/2023 | 12/13/2023 | 12/13/2023 | 12/13/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 6782 | H.R. 6782 | H.R. 6782 | H.R. 6782 | H.R. 6782 | H.R. 6782 |
Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas |
[R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] |
To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee | To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee | To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee | To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee | To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee | To reduce, from 21 years of age to 18 years of age, the minimum age at which a person may obtain a handgun from a Federal firearms licensee |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 6824 | H.R. 6824 | H.R. 6824 | H.R. 6824 | H.R. 6824 | H.R. 6824 |
Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas | Rep. Massie, Thomas |
[R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] | [R-KY-4] |
Audit the NICS system | Audit the NICS system | Audit the NICS system | Audit the NICS system | Audit the NICS system | Audit the NICS system |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 6981 | H.R. 6981 | H.R. 6981 | H.R. 6981 | H.R. 6981 | H.R. 6981 |
Rep. Raskin, Jamie | Rep. Raskin, Jamie | Rep. Raskin, Jamie | Rep. Raskin, Jamie | Rep. Raskin, Jamie | Rep. Raskin, Jamie |
[D-MD-8] | [D-MD-8] | [D-MD-8] | [D-MD-8] | [D-MD-8] | [D-MD-8] |
“Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity | “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity | “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity | “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity | “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity | “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” seeks to supress constitutionally protected militia activity |
House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary | House - Judiciary |
1/11/2024 | 1/11/2024 | 1/11/2024 | 1/11/2024 | 1/11/2024 | 1/11/2024 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 7040 | H.R. 7040 | H.R. 7040 | H.R. 7040 | H.R. 7040 | H.R. 7040 |
Rep. Lawler, Michael | Rep. Lawler, Michael | Rep. Lawler, Michael | Rep. Lawler, Michael | Rep. Lawler, Michael | Rep. Lawler, Michael |
[R-NY-17] | [R-NY-17] | [R-NY-17] | [R-NY-17] | [R-NY-17] | [R-NY-17] |
Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years | Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years | Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years | Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years | Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years | Extends "Undetectable Firearms" Act of 1988 for 10 years |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 |
Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor |
H.R. 7042 | H.R. 7042 | H.R. 7042 | H.R. 7042 | H.R. 7042 | H.R. 7042 |
Rep. Mann, Tracey | Rep. Mann, Tracey | Rep. Mann, Tracey | Rep. Mann, Tracey | Rep. Mann, Tracey | Rep. Mann, Tracey |
[R-KS-1] | [R-KS-1] | [R-KS-1] | [R-KS-1] | [R-KS-1] | [R-KS-1] |
This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives | This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives | This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives | This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives | This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives | This bill proposes some changes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 | 1/18/2024 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 7195 | H.R. 7195 | H.R. 7195 | H.R. 7195 | H.R. 7195 | H.R. 7195 |
Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff | Rep. Duncan, Jeff |
[R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] | [R-SC-3] |
To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof | To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof | To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof | To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof | To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof | To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect and enhance the mailing of firearms, ammunition, and components thereof |
House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary | House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary | House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary | House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary | House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary | House - Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary |
2/1/2024 | 2/1/2024 | 2/1/2024 | 2/1/2024 | 2/1/2024 | 2/1/2024 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 7272 | H.R. 7272 | H.R. 7272 | H.R. 7272 | H.R. 7272 | H.R. 7272 |
Rep. Brown, Shontel M | Rep. Brown, Shontel M | Rep. Brown, Shontel M | Rep. Brown, Shontel M | Rep. Brown, Shontel M | Rep. Brown, Shontel M |
[D-OH-11] | [D-OH-11] | [D-OH-11] | [D-OH-11] | [D-OH-11] | [D-OH-11] |
Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" | Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" | Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" | Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" | Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" | Creates two million dollar slush to spend on reporting on the so-called "Safer Communities Act" |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
2/7/2024 | 2/7/2024 | 2/7/2024 | 2/7/2024 | 2/7/2024 | 2/7/2024 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 7352 | H.R. 7352 | H.R. 7352 | H.R. 7352 | H.R. 7352 | H.R. 7352 |
Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell |
[D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] |
To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants | To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants | To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants | To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants | To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants | To prohibit States from prohibiting or otherwise deterring the usage of any merchant category code, including codes that identify firearm merchants and ammunition merchants |
House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services |
2/14/2024 | 2/14/2024 | 2/14/2024 | 2/14/2024 | 2/14/2024 | 2/14/2024 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 7450 | H.R. 7450 | H.R. 7450 | H.R. 7450 | H.R. 7450 | H.R. 7450 |
Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. | Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. | Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. | Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. | Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. | Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. |
[R-NY-21] | [R-NY-21] | [R-NY-21] | [R-NY-21] | [R-NY-21] | [R-NY-21] |
To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. | To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. | To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. | To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. | To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. | To prohibit payment card networks from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer. |
House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services | House - Financial Services |
2/23/2024 | 2/23/2024 | 2/23/2024 | 2/23/2024 | 2/23/2024 | 2/23/2024 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
H.R. 7471 | H.R. 7471 | H.R. 7471 | H.R. 7471 | H.R. 7471 | H.R. 7471 |
Rep. Issa, Darrell | Rep. Issa, Darrell | Rep. Issa, Darrell | Rep. Issa, Darrell | Rep. Issa, Darrell | Rep. Issa, Darrell |
[R-CA-48] | [R-CA-48] | [R-CA-48] | [R-CA-48] | [R-CA-48] | [R-CA-48] |
To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes |
House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary | House Judiciary |
2/28/2024 | 2/28/2024 | 2/28/2024 | 2/28/2024 | 2/28/2024 | 2/28/2024 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
H.R. 7746 | H.R. 7746 | H.R. 7746 | H.R. 7746 | H.R. 7746 | H.R. 7746 |
Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell | Rep. Frost, Maxwell |
[D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] | [D-FL-10] |
It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” House Judiciary 3/20/2024 Monitor H.R. 7873 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days House Judiciary 4/5/2024 Oppose H. Res 1102 Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill House Passed Support H.R. 8066 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. House - Armed Services 4/18/2024 Support H.R. 8306 Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. House - Ways and Means; Judiciary 5/8/2024 Monitor H.R. 8364 Rep. Scalise, Steve [R-LA-1] Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. House Judiciary 5/10/2024 Oppose S. 14 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old Senate - Judiciary 1/23/2023 Oppose S. 25 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” House Judiciary 3/20/2024 Monitor H.R. 7873 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days House Judiciary 4/5/2024 Oppose H. Res 1102 Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill House Passed Support H.R. 8066 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. House - Armed Services 4/18/2024 Support H.R. 8306 Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. House - Ways and Means; Judiciary 5/8/2024 Monitor H.R. 8364 Rep. Scalise, Steve [R-LA-1] Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. House Judiciary 5/10/2024 Oppose S. 14 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old Senate - Judiciary 1/23/2023 Oppose S. 25 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” House Judiciary 3/20/2024 Monitor H.R. 7873 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days House Judiciary 4/5/2024 Oppose H. Res 1102 Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill House Passed Support H.R. 8066 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. House - Armed Services 4/18/2024 Support H.R. 8306 Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. House - Ways and Means; Judiciary 5/8/2024 Monitor H.R. 8364 Rep. Scalise, Steve [R-LA-1] Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. House Judiciary 5/10/2024 Oppose S. 14 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old Senate - Judiciary 1/23/2023 Oppose S. 25 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” House Judiciary 3/20/2024 Monitor H.R. 7873 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days House Judiciary 4/5/2024 Oppose H. Res 1102 Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill House Passed Support H.R. 8066 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. House - Armed Services 4/18/2024 Support H.R. 8306 Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. House - Ways and Means; Judiciary 5/8/2024 Monitor H.R. 8364 Rep. Scalise, Steve [R-LA-1] Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. House Judiciary 5/10/2024 Oppose S. 14 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old Senate - Judiciary 1/23/2023 Oppose S. 25 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” House Judiciary 3/20/2024 Monitor H.R. 7873 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days House Judiciary 4/5/2024 Oppose H. Res 1102 Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill House Passed Support H.R. 8066 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. House - Armed Services 4/18/2024 Support H.R. 8306 Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. House - Ways and Means; Judiciary 5/8/2024 Monitor H.R. 8364 Rep. Scalise, Steve [R-LA-1] Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. House Judiciary 5/10/2024 Oppose S. 14 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old Senate - Judiciary 1/23/2023 Oppose S. 25 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") | It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of destroying firearms, while destroying or aiding in the destruction of a firearm that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, to not destroy every component of the firearm.” House Judiciary 3/20/2024 Monitor H.R. 7873 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] To enforce the requirement that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System make a final disposition of requests to correct its records within 60 days House Judiciary 4/5/2024 Oppose H. Res 1102 Rep. Granger, Kay [R-TX-12] $25 million dollar gun control slush fund hidden in an appropriations bill House Passed Support H.R. 8066 Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] The Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report on the United States supply chain for smokeless gunpowder, including nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and acid production, essential to ammunition manufacturing. House - Armed Services 4/18/2024 Support H.R. 8306 Rep. Good, Bob [R-VA-5] To provide that silencers be treated the same as firearms accessories. House - Ways and Means; Judiciary 5/8/2024 Monitor H.R. 8364 Rep. Scalise, Steve [R-LA-1] Update certain procedures applicable to commerce in firearms and remove certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. House Judiciary 5/10/2024 Oppose S. 14 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Prohibits purchase of wide range of firearms by lawful adults who are under 21 years old Senate - Judiciary 1/23/2023 Oppose S. 25 Sen. Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] Semi-auto Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
1/23/2023 | 1/23/2023 | 1/23/2023 | 1/23/2023 | 1/23/2023 | 1/23/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 163 | S. 163 | S. 163 | S. 163 | S. 163 | S. 163 |
Sen. Marshall, Roger | Sen. Marshall, Roger | Sen. Marshall, Roger | Sen. Marshall, Roger | Sen. Marshall, Roger | Sen. Marshall, Roger |
[R-KS] | [R-KS] | [R-KS] | [R-KS] | [R-KS] | [R-KS] |
Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, and certain other weapons from the definition of firearms for purposes of the National Firearms Act |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 173 | S. 173 | S. 173 | S. 173 | S. 173 | S. 173 |
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard |
[D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] |
Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill | Lock Up Your Safety" gun storage bill |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 | 1/31/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 203 | S. 203 | S. 203 | S. 203 | S. 203 | S. 203 |
Sen. Feinstein, Dianne | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne | Sen. Feinstein, Dianne |
[D-CA] | [D-CA] | [D-CA] | [D-CA] | [D-CA] | [D-CA] |
Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms | Creates an electronic, searchable database of the importation, production, shipment, receipt, sale, or other disposition of firearms |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 | 2/1/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 252 | S. 252 | S. 252 | S. 252 | S. 252 | S. 252 |
Sen. Markey, Edward J. | Sen. Markey, Edward J. | Sen. Markey, Edward J. | Sen. Markey, Edward J. | Sen. Markey, Edward J. | Sen. Markey, Edward J. |
[D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] |
Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs | Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs | Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs | Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs | Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs | Drags the Federal Trade Commision into Gun Control rulemaking. Has FTC bureaucrats make rules controling how gun companies run their marketing programs |
Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation | Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation |
2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 | 2/2/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 298 | S. 298 | S. 298 | S. 298 | S. 298 | S. 298 |
Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert |
[D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] |
Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban | Standard Capacity Magazine Ban |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
2/7/2023 | 2/7/2023 | 2/7/2023 | 2/7/2023 | 2/7/2023 | 2/7/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 361 | S. 361 | S. 361 | S. 361 | S. 361 | S. 361 |
Sen. Lankford, James | Sen. Lankford, James | Sen. Lankford, James | Sen. Lankford, James | Sen. Lankford, James | Sen. Lankford, James |
[R-OK] | [R-OK] | [R-OK] | [R-OK] | [R-OK] | [R-OK] |
The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace | The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace | The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace | The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace | The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace | The bill eliminates subjective standards that exist in federal law that have allowed ATF to reclassify firearms under the NFA, and guarantees that law-abiding gun owners will not have to register, destroy, or surrender their pistol brace |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 401 | S. 401 | S. 401 | S. 401 | S. 401 | S. 401 |
Sen. Crapo, Mike | Sen. Crapo, Mike | Sen. Crapo, Mike | Sen. Crapo, Mike | Sen. Crapo, Mike | Sen. Crapo, Mike |
[R-ID] | [R-ID] | [R-ID] | [R-ID] | [R-ID] | [R-ID] |
Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms | Amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
2/14/2023 | 2/14/2023 | 2/14/2023 | 2/14/2023 | 2/14/2023 | 2/14/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 494 | S. 494 | S. 494 | S. 494 | S. 494 | S. 494 |
Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher |
[D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] |
Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks | Universal Gun Registration/Brady Background Checks |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
2/16/2023 | 2/16/2023 | 2/16/2023 | 2/16/2023 | 2/16/2023 | 2/16/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 827 | S. 827 | S. 827 | S. 827 | S. 827 | S. 827 |
Sen. Kennedy, John | Sen. Kennedy, John | Sen. Kennedy, John | Sen. Kennedy, John | Sen. Kennedy, John | Sen. Kennedy, John |
[R-LA] | [R-LA] | [R-LA] | [R-LA] | [R-LA] | [R-LA] |
Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item | Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item | Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item | Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item | Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item | Defunds the enforcement of Department of Justice rule that makes "Stabilizing Braces" an NFA item |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
3/15/2023 | 3/15/2023 | 3/15/2023 | 3/15/2023 | 3/15/2023 | 3/15/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 951 | S. 951 | S. 951 | S. 951 | S. 951 | S. 951 |
Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher | Sen. Murphy, Christopher |
[D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] |
Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS | Creates a taxpayer funded bureaucractic "Office" in the Department of Justice to push gun control. It also has the goal to "Maximize the Administration" of NICS |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 | 3/22/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 1383 | S. 1383 | S. 1383 | S. 1383 | S. 1383 | S. 1383 |
Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert | Sen. Menendez, Robert |
[D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] |
Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" | Outlaws "firearm silencers and firearm mufflers" |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 | 4/27/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 1949 | S. 1949 | S. 1949 | S. 1949 | S. 1949 | S. 1949 |
Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni |
[R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] |
To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees | To prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from providing firearms and ammunition to its employees |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
6/13/2023 | 6/13/2023 | 6/13/2023 | 6/13/2023 | 6/13/2023 | 6/13/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 2652 | S. 2652 | S. 2652 | S. 2652 | S. 2652 | S. 2652 |
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard | Sen. Blumenthal, Richard |
[D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] | [D-CT] |
Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable | Bill to make all firearms traceable |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 | 7/27/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 2802 | S. 2802 | S. 2802 | S. 2802 | S. 2802 | S. 2802 |
Sen. Paul, Rand | Sen. Paul, Rand | Sen. Paul, Rand | Sen. Paul, Rand | Sen. Paul, Rand | Sen. Paul, Rand |
[R-KY] | [R-KY] | [R-KY] | [R-KY] | [R-KY] | [R-KY] |
Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools | Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools | Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools | Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools | Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools | Removes a prohibition on the use of funds relating to the provision of a dangerous weapon or training in the use of a dangerous weapon in schools |
Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions | Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions |
9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 | 9/14/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 2911 | S. 2911 | S. 2911 | S. 2911 | S. 2911 | S. 2911 |
Sen. Braun, Mike | Sen. Braun, Mike | Sen. Braun, Mike | Sen. Braun, Mike | Sen. Braun, Mike | Sen. Braun, Mike |
[R-IN] | [R-IN] | [R-IN] | [R-IN] | [R-IN] | [R-IN] |
Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control | Prohibits the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control |
Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs | Senate - Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs |
9/21/2023 | 9/21/2023 | 9/21/2023 | 9/21/2023 | 9/21/2023 | 9/21/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 2926 | S. 2926 | S. 2926 | S. 2926 | S. 2926 | S. 2926 |
Sen. Durbin, Richard J. | Sen. Durbin, Richard J. | Sen. Durbin, Richard J. | Sen. Durbin, Richard J. | Sen. Durbin, Richard J. | Sen. Durbin, Richard J. |
[D-IL] | [D-IL] | [D-IL] | [D-IL] | [D-IL] | [D-IL] |
To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles | To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles | To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles | To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles | To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles | To prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 | 9/26/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 3212 | S. 3212 | S. 3212 | S. 3212 | S. 3212 | S. 3212 |
Sen. Booker, Cory A. | Sen. Booker, Cory A. | Sen. Booker, Cory A. | Sen. Booker, Cory A. | Sen. Booker, Cory A. | Sen. Booker, Cory A. |
[D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] | [D-NJ] |
Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. | Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. | Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. | Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. | Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. | Requires a License to buy a firearm. Buyer must have firearms training, provide fingerprints, get a background check, details on the firearm being purchased, etc. |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 3223 | S. 3223 | S. 3223 | S. 3223 | S. 3223 | S. 3223 |
Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth |
[D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] |
Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations | Bulk Ammo sales prohibition and other ammo sales regulations |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 | 11/2/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 3369 | S. 3369 | S. 3369 | S. 3369 | S. 3369 | S. 3369 |
Sen. Heinrich, Martin | Sen. Heinrich, Martin | Sen. Heinrich, Martin | Sen. Heinrich, Martin | Sen. Heinrich, Martin | Sen. Heinrich, Martin |
[D-NM] | [D-NM] | [D-NM] | [D-NM] | [D-NM] | [D-NM] |
If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States | If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States | If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States | If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States | If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States | If enacted this bill would outlaw tens of millions (if not more) of existing firearms and standard capacity magazines that are currently owned lawfully in the United States |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
11/30/2023 | 11/30/2023 | 11/30/2023 | 11/30/2023 | 11/30/2023 | 11/30/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 3407 | S. 3407 | S. 3407 | S. 3407 | S. 3407 | S. 3407 |
Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth | Sen. Warren, Elizabeth |
[D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] | [D-MA] |
281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. | 281 page Gun Control bill with semi-auto firearm and mag bans, gun storage mandates, gun buyback grants, suppressor bans, "Red Flag", accessory bans, bans on buying multiple firearms, more gun shop restrictions, etc. |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 | 12/5/2023 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 3531 | S. 3531 | S. 3531 | S. 3531 | S. 3531 | S. 3531 |
Sen. Lee, Mike | Sen. Lee, Mike | Sen. Lee, Mike | Sen. Lee, Mike | Sen. Lee, Mike | Sen. Lee, Mike |
[R-UT] | [R-UT] | [R-UT] | [R-UT] | [R-UT] | [R-UT] |
Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries | Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries | Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries | Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries | Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries | Protect American Gun Exports Act. Prohibit the Secretary from imposing any future pauses in the issuance of new export licenses to businesses seeking to sell firearms, ammunition, and components parts to non-governmental end users in foreign countries |
Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs |
12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 | 12/14/2023 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 3677 | S. 3677 | S. 3677 | S. 3677 | S. 3677 | S. 3677 |
Sen. Reed, Jack | Sen. Reed, Jack | Sen. Reed, Jack | Sen. Reed, Jack | Sen. Reed, Jack | Sen. Reed, Jack |
[D-RI] | [D-RI] | [D-RI] | [D-RI] | [D-RI] | [D-RI] |
A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 | A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 | A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 | A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 | A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 | A bill to permanently authorize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988 |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
1/25/2024 | 1/25/2024 | 1/25/2024 | 1/25/2024 | 1/25/2024 | 1/25/2024 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 3812 | S. 3812 | S. 3812 | S. 3812 | S. 3812 | S. 3812 |
Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni | Sen. Ernst, Joni |
[R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] |
To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations | To provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
2/27/2024 | 2/27/2024 | 2/27/2024 | 2/27/2024 | 2/27/2024 | 2/27/2024 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 4075 | S. 4075 | S. 4075 | S. 4075 | S. 4075 | S. 4075 |
Sen. Hagerty, Bill | Sen. Hagerty, Bill | Sen. Hagerty, Bill | Sen. Hagerty, Bill | Sen. Hagerty, Bill | Sen. Hagerty, Bill |
[R-TN] | [R-TN] | [R-TN] | [R-TN] | [R-TN] | [R-TN] |
A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer | A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer | A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer | A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer | A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer | A bill to prohibit payment card networks and covered entities from requiring the use of or assigning merchant category codes that distinguish a firearms retailer from a general merchandise retailer or sporting goods retailer |
Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs | Senate - Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs |
4/8/2024 | 4/8/2024 | 4/8/2024 | 4/8/2024 | 4/8/2024 | 4/8/2024 |
Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor | Monitor |
S. 4104 | S. 4104 | S. 4104 | S. 4104 | S. 4104 | S. 4104 |
Sen. Grassley, Chuck | Sen. Grassley, Chuck | Sen. Grassley, Chuck | Sen. Grassley, Chuck | Sen. Grassley, Chuck | Sen. Grassley, Chuck |
[R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] | [R-IA] |
Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" | Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" | Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" | Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" | Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" | Mixed bag of measures to "address gun violence" |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
4/10/2024 | 4/10/2024 | 4/10/2024 | 4/10/2024 | 4/10/2024 | 4/10/2024 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 4131 | S. 4131 | S. 4131 | S. 4131 | S. 4131 | S. 4131 |
Sen. Kaine, Tim | Sen. Kaine, Tim | Sen. Kaine, Tim | Sen. Kaine, Tim | Sen. Kaine, Tim | Sen. Kaine, Tim |
[D-VA] | [D-VA] | [D-VA] | [D-VA] | [D-VA] | [D-VA] |
Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. | Grab bag of gun control. Red Flag, One Handgun a Month, Creates a fine of hundreds of dollars on victims of gun theft if they don't report it fast enough. etc. |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
4/16/2024 | 4/16/2024 | 4/16/2024 | 4/16/2024 | 4/16/2024 | 4/16/2024 |
Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose | Oppose |
S. 4165 | S. 4165 | S. 4165 | S. 4165 | S. 4165 | S. 4165 |
Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom |
[R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] |
Expansion of NICS system | Expansion of NICS system | Expansion of NICS system | Expansion of NICS system | Expansion of NICS system | Expansion of NICS system |
Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary | Senate - Judiciary |
4/18/2024 | 4/18/2024 | 4/18/2024 | 4/18/2024 | 4/18/2024 | 4/18/2024 |
Support | Support | Support | Support | Support | Support |
S. 4344 | S. 4344 | S. 4344 | S. 4344 | S. 4344 | S. 4344 |
Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom | Sen. Cotton, Tom |
[R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] | [R-AR] |
Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) | Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) | Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) | Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) | Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) | Would abolish transfer taxes on firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) |
Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance | Senate - Finance |
5/15/2024 | 5/15/2024 | 5/15/2024 | 5/15/2024 | 5/15/2024 | 5/15/2024 |
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