Obama-appointed Judges Rule in Favor of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

press release

Gun control extremists get a reality check as the Tenth Circuit DENIES Governor Polis’ motion to reverse RMGO’s recent preliminary injunction halting SB23 -169 from becoming the law of the land in Colorado.

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, Governor Polis and his anti-gun cronies were denied an emergency stay appeal by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals against Rocky Mountain Gun Owners’ (Colorado affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights) Preliminary Injunction, which halts SB23-169 from denying eighteen through twenty-year-olds ability to purchase a firearm, under SB23-169. This new law denies the constitutionally protected right to purchase, own, and possess a firearm to legal adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty.

RMGO was granted a Preliminary Injunction on August 7th, and the state immediately filed appeals questioning the ruling of U.S. District of Colorado Chief Judge Philip Brimmer.

“From the second we filed these lawsuits, we knew we were in for a major fight,” said Taylor Rhodes, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. “Today, two Obama-appointed judges agreed with us that our plaintiffs do have standing and that our likelihood of success on the merits is strong. While we have now won three major battles on this case, the war is far from over and we won’t stop fighting until this bigoted law is off the books for good,” Rhodes continued.

Members of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners joined as plaintiffs and filed this lawsuit in federal court before the ink was dry on the Governor’s desk – challenging the constitutionality of the newly enacted law, arguing that their right to keep and bear arms is being directly infringed upon by over-reaching politicians in Denver.

“RMGO and its members are extremely pleased with the ruling against Governor Polis,” said Dudley Brown, President of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. “Polis and his legislative minions have played fast and loose with our Second Amendment Freedoms for far too long, that’s why we are leading the charge in the courtroom to take back the freedoms stolen from us,” continued Brown.

RMGO and its members are funding the lawsuit, challenging their constitutionality in light of the recent Supreme Court decision NYSRPA v. Bruen.

In the Bruen case, the Supreme Court rejected “intermediate scrutiny” – the cost/benefit analysis framework that allowed lower courts to rule against the Second Amendment – and established that the standard for applying the Second Amendment is the text, history, and tradition of the right to keep and bear arms; thereby invalidating the lower court rulings’ justification for gun control.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is a 501(c)(4) organization headquartered in Littleton, Colorado, with a mission to hold politicians accountable and achieve maximum liberty for an individual to defend themselves, their family, and their property without having to ask the government for permission to do so. Since its founding in 1996, RMGO has led the fight against anti-gun politicians with the support of more than 200,000 members and grassroots activists statewide.




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